Recommendation on wea I can get such a Tent

Wadau am looking for recommendations on wea I can get this kind of tent (see attached pics)[ATTACH=full]228017[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]228018[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]228017[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]228018[/ATTACH]

kwa church

Kwa duka


Acha ufala msee…the guy is asking a genuine question

At least I have known it’s called a retractable tent shipping the same may cost me alot , are they not available locally ?

Thanks for clarifying that to him .

If you don’t have something to say please don’t say it here you better keep your mouth shut .

Duka gani ? do you know of one ?

huko ndio wapy ?

Try promoting your big brother @Motokubwa

Search on alibaba you will get it am sure

is he in this business ama?

Asante will check them out .

Ramco will give you a better deal. Complete tent plus branding will approx. 80K

Thanks please give me the specifics of the company like the full names I check them out asap .

Old thread but anyway I am also searching for this.

I also ordered such a Tent last summer from and I was satisfied.
Also here I found many beautiful and ingenious ideas for arranging my garden so that whenever children and grandchildren come to the guest, they are always pleasantly amazed by the beauty and comfort. I am extremely happy that in my old age I have been doing things that are pleasing to my soul for so long.