Reason Why Men Are Jealous In a Relationship

A relationship involves two people man and a woman sharing things in common and knowing each other’s feeling. Man, that truly

love a woman will show his interest that he loves that lady vice vasa. Coming closer in a relationship tends to make them know each other and have a deeper love in a relationship for each other.

Reason why men are jealous in a relationship
Below is the reason why men are jealous in a relationship this will enable you to know what to avoid to maintain a balanced relationship

  1. Any man that loves his girlfriend will never like to share it with any man
  2. If a man cares for you always his proud and jealous of you, he might think that another guy might see you and admire you.
  3. He doesn’t want to see you talking to a male friend. He can never bear it seeing you talking to a male friend, he might be angry and try to throw abusive words at you.
    4)If you are on online chatting and he sees
    you online chatting, he might think that you are chatting with a male friend.
  4. He doesn’t want you to miss his calls: If you mistakenly miss his calls you are in trouble. she will keep on calling you until you pick his call.
  5. He is always eager to know where you are: One of the ways to know a guy that truly loves his girlfriend and jealous of her, he always eager to where she is at any moment.
  6. He is known for his visit every time: He always visiting you at any time.

ukitombewa bibi tulia hata Idi Amin alitombewa bibi na hakusumbua

uu ni ushonde gani unatuandikia asubui ya leo Nv? chieth

Peer counsler detected

That’s not love. Sounds more of an obsession.

io ni love kabisaa

Seriously? :D:D:D

Very sure hii Jinga thought this was a very smart write up when in reality dude is just borderline insecure.

I get bored when one mixes he with she and vice versa

UPUSS…! Alafu Meffi nv hii ni direct translation ya kiwenyu… Fuda

Niaje @Eng’iti

Mambo si mabaya. Uko na kitu ya Nys hapo imebaki unirushie? :smiley:

These are proverbs of insecurity and weakness claiming to be in ‘love’. Check yourself and try again.

Aisee, kwa hiyo hiyo ni direct translation…

Umekwama sana mkuu

Hio usenge usituambukize


Kinachonifurahisha ni kiswahili chenu tu

@Mwifwa unajua @Mosa deh ?

my pixels are dead…or dying nimeona nikama unaitwa mfirwa…my bad


“Aiseee” sorry I mean I see