The only real country in the Arab Middle East is Oman. Once the oil is done there, Africa, the Last frontier will be the worlds largest oil producer. Prepare yourselves.
And guys don’t know why Boers are moving North to the Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon and other African countries in droves. Propagating their ultra-capitalism n shiet against African-socialism .
Saudi Arabia has looked at what UAE did and is attempting to do the same to wean itself off of petrodollars. They are proposing creating a city that will allow tourists. I read somewhere that in Saudi Arabia tourism is forbidden.
In the tourist City they will relax the Sharia law but to what extent, nobody knows.
In Dubai people can consume alcohol and women don’t have to cover up too much. The tourist love Dubai.
Its not anywhere near to enough is it ? Whenever Saudi Arabia is in shit, prices sky rocket, why can’t the other suppliers step up to the deficit during such times and keep the prices normal ?
Secular tourism may be forbidden but they make top dollar from Islamic pilgrimages probably even more than Kenya makes annually from tourism. It will be a tough decision to open up the kingdom for secular tourism considering that Islam as a religion is too conservative and may not look kindly to what they may consider defilement of their holy shrine by what they consider infidels.
Yes. Hajj pilgrimage earns KSA billions of dollars so it’s not going to be an easy decision. But things are shifting ever so slightly. They’re on the brink of allowing women to drive or maybe they already have. It just shows that even a wahabist community cannot resist globalisation.
Are they going to bomb the shrines into smithereens, UAE, Kuwait and Qatar don’t have Islamic Shrine of repute if any that’s why they can easily embrace globalization. Consider the case of Iran and Iraq the other countries with Islamic Shrines albeit of lesser significance than Saudi Arabia but that transition has always hit a snag.
Hiyo ya Congo imefanya kikasikia vibaya tu sanaaaaa!! Yaani hata kulima lazima tuonyeshwe na wazungu!? Cry my beloved continent. Hiyo reverse racism pia is something else (I smiled a little - why lie).
because…America…thats why.Eevery nation trembles when it comes to them(sanctions or getting nuked),Saudi can, has and will never control the oil price.No one can sell their oil just because the can ,ask iran with ample oil reserves but no buyers .Uncle Sam controls shiet