99% of middle-class kenyans are back to extreme poverty if slapped with a medical bill of anything between Ksh 3 Million to 5 Million. Also, most of them are one step away from poverty if they lose their jobs. The middle class is just a fallacy.
Middle class is a smokescreen detonated by the wealthy 1% in cahoots with politicians. An existence where people are walking a tightrope is not middle class. One wrong move, one sway of the rope and they come tumbling down. A real middle class is where one can be assured of the basic necessities for at least twenty years and if they lose an income they can stay afloat for at least five years. But in Abductistan, people work for decades and in retiring go to a life of poverty earning dogshit for pension. Kuna watu who earn 5k a month as pension
Still life goes on. The rich also cry
Ata hiyo 3million umeweka ni mingi. Weka tu -1million na utapata ni 99.7% wamezama with silly assets nonne wants kama xtrail ya 2004, plot ya laikipia 50 by 100, iphone 12 pro max, na manguo mzee
Kwanza kukatokea vita mbaya Kenya… Itakua apocalypse. Even the rich V8 runda guys live rent to mouth
Hakuna stability kabsa. Mtu anakula rent mingi kama 100k. Mpesa balance iko 2000 bob. Ata mtu wa nduthi has more standing cash…
@Ndovu hii bile yote ya nini? People are just trying to survive and have fun while at it. X-trail ya 2004 if well maintained iko na tofauti gani na ya 2024, apart from touch screens. Amenities ni the same. Mziki iko kwa gari zote, aircon iko kwa zote mbili, power windows, remote lock & unlock…same with phone. Nguo as long as iko decent na sio matambara inastiri uchi. What is?
We are all poor
@Maize_Combuster alisema 1M apana iko Kenya
You’re correct though. Ata bill ya 500k wataita community intervention.
Most people don’t even value money. Ata ukisaidia jamaa ako na shida ya 500k umpatie iyo pesa haoni Kama ni kitu kubwa.
Shida ya Kenyans ni hawaheshimu pesa.
Hawaheshimu pesa za watu
Kweli kabisa. I resigned my last serious job after calculating what I would be getting as pension and after observing my senior colleagues who had retired before me. Niliona Ni ufala nabebwa. Basic salary on which pension was computed on ilikuwa kidogo Sana but allowances and privileges zilikuwa kibao.
After that I held two more jobs but on my terms bila kwambia mtu. I would go in with an objective of making X amount of money by whatever means hata kama ni wakandanism then exit kuenda juakali zangu. It has been years since my last formal employment and the only job I would accept now is a political appointment.
Hii Kenya 99% of people who own a vehicle cannot raise 1M in a week to fund an emergency.
That’s the country we live in.
Shida mimi naonanga ni hio kizungu mingi the so-called middle class huongea wakijaribu kuzima kila mtu wanafikiria is beneath them. Kama juzi during Christmas time niliwaona wakiongelesha certified birrionaires kama watoto wadogo just because they don’t drive CX5 kama hao. Saa hii school fees inawapipinya makei sawa sawa mpaka wamesahau kizungu na mizinga za Black Label ya 1 litre.
Let’s first define middle class.
Nmeona hii class ni ya watu wana earn between 24k to 120k. Elders mnaongea mbaya sana kuhusu hii class. Kwani mnachezea wapi…?
What about those who own two, one a 2500cc and another a 1500cc, like you?
Ukiingia kwa vumbi ndio utaona hio ni pesa kidogo sana yenye haifai kufanya msee aanze kuongea kizungu ya mapua. More so if you consider that Zakayo must tear them a new asshole every month Na taxes. Utapata msee sales zake per day ni kitu 100k but ametulia na Tusker yake kwa corner Hana story mob maybe kushika matako ya waitress pekee. Lakini hizo ng’ombe za kuandika emails asubuhi wakianza Na the retarded lines “I hope this finds you well” Na “as per our last meeting” hazitulii. They want to have the last word on everything in English.
na fake Martel…
If u take emotions out hakuna tofauti ya watchman wa G4S analipwa 25k na mkubwa analipwa 225k.
Mkubwa buys some Mercedes na Mihango plot. Saddling himself with 12% intrest debt ya 5 years
Ghasia alipe pesa kumaintain gari na plot. Plus intrest ya bank. Kuguza matako ya secretary na 1/2 beers haina shida.
Shida ni his money isnt making him money
Watchie anaishi Kangemi anatumia mat na rented 1 bedroom
Hao middle class mnaongelea ni nani?
Wazazi unawa categprise wapi?
Kuna mtu nilimsho tofauti Huwa kidogo sana akakataa kabisa.
in the end of it all futi ni sita