This belongs to someone in our world…(copied from somewhere…)
This belongs to someone in our world…(copied from somewhere…)
It could be a test kit, you know …
Hehehe. Ni ya kuchapa mende @Art.
just what i thought would happen…
Kinangop shepart…ahoy @aviator …
Hii akipata art atawekerewo vita kama mtoi
Alafu ashonwe mdomo na hizo mawire…
@Art should expect to look like this…
i cant remember when there was equality in the universe.
i tend to think it got better(there are no slaves nowadays
really? the old slavemaster gave his slaves food to keep them strong and healthy…
The modern slavemaster pays one just enough to keep body and soul together…the only difference is that the slave is free to move to the next slavemaster…
May God bless the work of his hands.
Correction, her!
chinku manicure?