Reality check - Raila has no numbers in Parliament, hata akishinda urais!

Habari ndio hio!

Even if he gets all the 40-something seats in Nyanza plus all Nairobi and Mombasa counties seats, there is no day! There ain’t no much prospects in the Mt Kenya and uMaasaini regions. Only several few ones from the larger Coast zone. That’s why he desperately needs Kalonzo on his side. That’s why Kalonzo was adamant in demanding the second fiddle seat. Because Kalonzo is certain to bring the next majority of mps, at least 20, to Raila outside of Raila’s Nyanza feeding grounds. Uhuru’s jubilee will be with almost zero mps. Karua will have negative zero mps. So Raila will need to reserve a budget for buying mps if he wins the presidency!

Meanwhile in uKambani…


Yours sounds like a concession speech…too early to throw in the towel

Raila has fought for this country now its our time to fight for him. Hio risasi moja ni kura yangu which will catapult him to steakhouse.

Tell @Soprano we are trying to save our country from thieves, Raila has been trying to stop these gangsters from outside, it’s time he got in and ejected these swine.

hata senate he has no numbers


Umetulia sana jamaa… Mguu iko aje?

It will be a while before Kenyan politics mature and morph into a meaningful noble practice …

Until then , gather your rocks and sharpen your pangas … :D:D

Raira will never be president. Kîhîî takataka ghasia mchafu