Now try saying this to a woman: A real woman will date a broke man and accept him for who he is.
Then wait for responses like “Kwani tutakula mawe?” “Nijipate” etc etc.
Issa lie!![ATTACH=full]240558[/ATTACH]
Ghaseer tucker tucker wewe @digi
But tuseme ukweli if these undesirables look hard enough, watapata tu market yao. That’s why nowadays I just ignore these things, bora sio mimi I don’t care.
Nini Tena mkubwa?
My favorite comedian
Relationships are straight forward. Women like resources and men hate responsibilities that aren’t of their own making. Naturally, women avoid men without resources (broke) and men avoid women with responsibilities (kids=financial, social, psychological and parental responsibilities). Those constants will never change.
The cold truth is if you are a regular guy with no outstanding qualities, your sexual market value is very low if you are broke. The same goes for most average looking women with children.
A 45 year old man in good physical shape and deep pockets has a higher sexual market value than most men in their prime but without the $$. Rich and physically fit 45 is broke 22.
In all my inexperience with women, the only thing I know for sure is to never take advice on “being a real man” from a woman.
You Sir are the long waited messiah we have been waiting for. May senior @Deorro reward you!
You should read George R.R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire to know who Azor Ahai was. The promised messiah in Game of Thrones.
Utter lumbbish!!!