Following tradition blindly.
Tradition has deep roots, and that’s why it’s hard to give up.
We hate change.
Change is uncomfortable.
It even outright hurts sometimes.
So we decide to ignorantly continue the pattern that has been laid out before us.
It’s easier that way.
It’s easy to do what everyone has done before, precisely because everyone has done it before. It already “works”. Or, at least, it’s supposed to work.
Believing in the same things as your grandparents may make you traditional, but it also may make you blind to opportunity.
It’s this reality distortion that leads to stunted growth.
When you ask someone why something is done the way it is, and they respond, “That’s how we’ve always done it” you’re talking to a zombie.
They’re stuck in their ways just like everyone else.
Don’t get me wrong, I have my idiosyncrasies, my preferences, and odd hobbies, but I actively challenge my own beliefs for fear that I’m idly following everyone else.
At best, following everyone else is a road to mediocrity and a life of un-fulfillment.
When we look at the greats, the people who are remembered, we realize that they always changed it up enough to stick out.
They figured something out because they questioned beliefs, behavior, and ultimately “how things were always done.”
It’s not hard to follow tradition, but it certainly doesn’t make much sense to.
Are your eyes open?