Real footage of the battle that 3 Navy Seals died

This battle gave birth to the movie Lone Survivor. Apparently the most tech savvy mujahideen fighter @Bingwa Scrotum recorded the video. This one is for the actual battle.

You can refer to the comment section to understand the video better.

Hii nayo ni ya Taliban wakipora stuff kutoka kwa mwili ya Seal team leader Michael Murphy.

Battle seems shorter than the Hollywood movie. Marcus lutrelI just like Chris Kyle were liars. I would like to footage of the tongotongo ambush.

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Huyo Lutrell ghasia went to hide kwa keja ya Afghanistan mmoja and all his magazines were full. Naskianga akiitwa coward. Ni kama alihepa.

Lutrell embellished the story heavily and the movie took it several notches higher. Take these movies for what they are. A propaganda tool to boost recruitment. Just like Act of Valour and 12 Strong.

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What about American Sniper? Or Blackhawk Down?

If you want an accurate portrayal of what it’s really like to be in the military I suggest watching Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Generation Kill and Hurt Locker.

Na secret soldiers of benghazi?

Says an asshole armchair expert who has never been to any war zone on earth and is probably scared of even slaughtering a chicken.

Takes one to know one :cool:

[:D:D:D:DFull Metal Jacket is an epic :D:D na sadistic trainer.