Fagget Mijinga kïpiiiiii kinene zaidi mumama zaidiiiii umekaaa hivi fuaaaaaa ukihara ukinyamba ukidunga ukinusa uvundo ukakuambia wewe na muhahe yooooooooote ya watu wenyu wewe ndiwe wa kwanza na hii stale news? Brare taktaka ghaseer imbilisi nyeusi cunt
The phenomenon is not new, the labels are. There are many single mothers from the 70s/80s/90s era, numerous especially ukiona the amount of Kikuyu men carrying their mother’s names. Some folks hooked up and went separate ways and the dad never knew aliacha mbegu because there was no social media or phone to allow the mother to track down the father or his family. If your father travelled for work a lot, lazima ako na mbegu huko nje that he may not know about.
Inanikumbusha ile mambo ya “nikuonyeshe kwetu”, even though it was a traditional part of courtship, i do believe it allowed the woman to know the man’s home and his family and that she could go there on matters pertaining to her the man and their child/children. In those days mtu akisha hama, that might be the last time you ever see them unless you knew where they worked, ama you had a mutual location/interest that allowed you to keep running into each other.
This is what i mean when i say it’s just different labels for the same behavior. Kitambo mtu alikuwa anasema ako na bibi mwingine, ama ako na mtoto wa nje. If a nigga was unmarried, walikuwa tu wanasema amezaa na wanawake kadhaa.
I found out one of my uncles alifukuza bibi wa first in late 80s/early 90s, and promoted his helper kwa duka to become replacement wife. He had a child with previous and the replacement. Watu hawajui where the first wife + child went. This is normal for 80s/90s but not possible in today’s technological space.
Wah. Hii ni JABA ama ni makasiriko ya 5% tax on fake beard?
What is your problem? If you don’t want single mothers don’t marry them but telling others who they should or should not marry is not your place.
I used to think that men are fine with their baby mommas moving on and starting new families with other men. I found out when a guy got drunk while on a work trip and started spilling how his baby momma husband has taken over not just his baby mommas heart n pussy but his son too. He no longer had acess to his own kid who was calling another man daddy.
Men are some weird creatures. It’s like once they lose control of a woman especially a baby momma and then they are no longer needed bcz the baby momma new catch has taken over completely she’s not chasing you for money ako completely sorted and she has moved on, that thing is crypto nite to the male ego.
That’s where femicide plus other vindictive murders come from. All I can advice any woman is don’t get a baby gorilla for a chimpanzee who you are not married to because chimpanzees are wack. When they can no longer control you, you don’t know what it will drive them to do. You will end up in a shallow grave.
If you want peace avoid getting souvenirs from Chimpanzees, junguu yes but unless you have a death wish don’t risk getting a chimpanzees kid out of wedlock. These people are jeolous, vindictive psychos.
I had a laugh when a married psycho chimp got his side chick pregno. After showing her enough madharau thinking she would bow down to him coz he’d immobilized her and she was now his beach to mistreat, the young lady went AOL. After a year was up and the woman didn’t come back grovelling for financial support. Jamaa went looking for her, she was with another man, a single man and had put him on the birth cert as the dad. Wah. Drama queen in pants took her to court ati he wants the birth certificate changed and he wants acess and to provide for his daughter. It was a trending story in Kenya.
When I tell you that chimpanzees are psychos don’t you tie your DNA up with them unless you want drama for the rest of your life. Entanglements with even a married chimpanzee, next thing he wants his child after treating you like garbage when he found out that you were pg. Black men are a crazy species. Don’t tie yourself up with them they will bring mayhem and confusion into your life. Mara they do not want the kid then when you move on now they want to take the kid away from you. Nyeuthi is a very strange creature. Just look at how Future is bitter with Cierra getting married. He’s got 15 baby mommas, he’s a Casanova so he won’t marry you but he’s mad when someone else makes an honest woman out of you. Ni kama tuu shetani. He doesn’t want you to progress and be happy in spite of him trying to ruin your life. These chimpanzees are destroyers. Even if you are happy and his kid is too he still doesn’t want another man in your life. He wants to use his own child as a pawn so that you can’t win. Kuzaa na chimpanzees is a no go zone unless you are looking for stress and drama and malicious actions. Ogopa chimpanzee, these baby mommas are the best inspiration you need to avoid getting a chimpanzees kid.
A friend of mine alijifanya mhanyaji mang’aa bibi akatoroka na akaolewa na some very rich widowed maafaka anaishi Karen.
Jamaa alikua anafikiria bibi hawezi move on akiwa na two kids kumbe the numerous betas in this town have other ideas. Not only did he take in those kids as his own but he also took them to a very expensive school. Brookhouse to be specific.
Watoto wanajua huyu ni step dad and he has no qualms letting the kids visit the father Imara Daima though hawapendi.
Bibi naye alikua upgraded to some level that this idiot friend of mine hawezi fika bei. Leveling up proper. Hio kuma hawezi guza hata akienda wapi.
Kwanza mwanamke aki upgrade kiasi ya hii story yako, anakuwa na kiburi sana towards the previous guy. Even if he has access to his kids, he is dealing with a lot of passive aggressiveness and pettiness. Madharau subtle hapa na pale to remind him vile alikuwa anafanya when he had power.
Wait, wait, wait, When did the conversation become all about the ladies and what they should not do or do it with? You think it’s always about you? I agree with you nonetheless, good advise to the mamaas, but don’t mislead these men to touch our baby mommas, unless you are taking my Kinglets and Queenlets to Brookside we are sharing that punani!