I remember with nostalgia my yester years under my parents roof,eagerly waiting for the release of the Readers Digest monthly edition in our mail box.Not only were the magazines informative,entertaining but also educative.I don’t intend to deny my kids the same priviledge.How can I subscribe for the same?Anyone with leads?

Google is your friend. RD have a site. Go and look at it. I have just taken 2 seconds na nimeona what you want. I suggest you do the same.

sure it is easy but i am sure @LISPY also wanted to start a discussion on the legendary magazine.

I also have fond memories of RD. I got a condensed RD book and it was excellent reading.

Sure,kwanza the offers they used to give;Recipe compilations,encyclopedias…a perfect family magazine

Made very informative reading. They have a site online.

Perhaps this is an opportunity to introduce my conundrum. I love books, physical books, and grew up devouring them.

But having tasted the Internet, it has given us a plethora of information, a new form of media, and a book in this modern era could an e-book, an audio book…

However, I find that, while trying to adapt to the modern era (and save trees - as they say), my habit of reading books is dying. I start reading many e-books or audio books but don’t get to finish them. There seems to be something about physical books that was lost when the transition to digital books happened.

Is it a case of an old dog having to learn new tricks, or is it that a physical book will always remain a superior form to the digital version? Should I unashamedly embrace physical books rather than feel guilty for not embracing technological progress? Should I still value that section of the room reserved for the book shelf, rather than see it as wasted space by habits picked up from a bygone era?

i share in your dilemma. in spite of the ease with which i can find any information on the net nikilala lazima nisome one or two chapters on a hard copy…

the kind of a picture that this book painted on my mind about how ‘life’ should really be lived… as a 10 year old…I believe some reads are sweeter in hardcopy

Laughter The Best Medicine and other jokes, stories, quotes made RD a classic.

Telegram @Ebooks254 they upload once in a while

Had a buddy in high school whose dad was a subscriber, he brought a few one term nikazipitia 1st page to last. Nikamuuliza awe akija nazo, 1st week of every term hii ndio ikawa kazi. Kulikuwa na section ya real life stories ya vile watu wali survive an ordeal or other, that was normally my first stop

nione kando mblatha

kumbe unajua hiyo kijiji ya mine

no wonder ulikua unasupply mandazi moto hapa ktalk…na ilienda wapi?

I learnt the term outsurance as well as the company from RD. Every issue had its advertisement


Cheza chini

The only thing I remember is feature Laughter is best medicine

Am in it too,i found the going very tough trying to adapt to reading books online,so i said to hell with it and stuck with the physical books.Hio nikitaka kusoma,najifungia,nazima simu and all sense of time is lost.Right now nimekesha nikisoma The Pelican Brief ya John Grisham.Ingekuwa simu sidhani ningeweza