I would fight back… stand up for your rights
He pigad me like crazy coz of a girl… usijali he is a dholuo
Gaaaaay thread
Usiseme unaamini huu upuzi wa hii jamaa,just like you would believe am gaay,am I?
Kwani you are not?
Mbona ana post upuzi hapa basi, anabeba wasee viujinga, you are not gaay BTW those who claim so should table evidence. But let me confirm with Uncle @uwesmake first, his word is always final in such matters
I am,kwani you don’t believe it
Acha feelings kama uko under age ya kuona this kind of talks enda kaa na nanniii ako
This wont work the way you think. I know people who’ve done that stuff(they usually need therapists) and it’s a long process that requires lots of resources, good insurance and lots of follow ups. I wouldn’t advice it to be honest with you. You’d also need a supply of estrogen and testosterone suppression for a lifetime. Then comes the mental health aspect coz your hormones are all over the place. I don’t know you , but I’d advice you to consider lots of factors before you make such decision. All the best
Thanks Nature lover… i admire your nerve
I am just advising you with the best honesty i can muster. I work with a sizable population of people that deal with these situations and it’s complex as fuck… sometimes the body rejects all those changes and abscesses happen. More and more surgery it means. Now imagine in a place with less Advanced and a more opportunistic healthcare . You’ll be bled dry with medical bills. And the stigma, quite somewhere up there. It’s real. But again, if you wanna and believe you need it, go for it. There’s lots of success stories. I am a firm believer in live and let live. While I won’t be in the crowd chasing you (I am on the team you’re leaving) , all the best lol
Lame thread engaging a troll. Fuckers
Ok wise man… you give advice out there for whomever may need it. No need to get all clever about it
Hi Dickie