Re-Engineering Basic Universal Education

As a Nation
We can be compared to people standing in a forest and looking for wood.

And here , I am referencing universal , free Basic Education for our youth and needy citizens

It is ridiculous that after 80 years of “Independence” , we are not ashamed that a huge portion of our population is unable to Read , Write or transact basic commerce.

India has rolled out millions of 7 inch Aakash Tablets to schools and colleges at about USD: 20 each.
Rwanda is ahead with the supply of free Internet to schools and colleges.

Meanwhile here
The 2012 promises of free laptops to all school children is yet to materialize
I wonder how much we were to pay for each…??
(…Kaongo is very quiet on the subject and his ICT czar Kabogo is more interested in banning Porn …!!…).

  • Reading , Writing , Arithmetic.
  • Health , Basic Science , Community Values.
  • Basic Commerce and Entrepreneurship.
  • Reference and Knowledge Resource.

These small tablets can be real game changers all the way to university.

And in a country where KES: 2 Billion of public money is stolen daily , we have adequate resources to fund this change

Kenyans will never agree on anything. Any new thing will also be attacked at various points. 8.4.4. was a disaster… CBC is a disaster. Im sure anything that comes after this will still be a disaster anyways.

We are professionals at everything, and therefore nothing in particular. We criticize anything and everything without offering any tangible solutions.

We literally want to engage in everything without touching on anything.

Kenyans are mainly good with criticising things.

The problem is a totally bankrupt leadership that listens to no one and is more focused on stealing public funds , impunity and oppressing citizens.

Our education system is a joke

We mass produce educated fools incapable of innovation or entrepreneurship
(…our universities are producing individuals who cannot even properly express themselves…)

We have people walking around with Degrees and Doctorates ( …like Kaongo himself…) who contribute nothing useful to this Nation.

That is precisely what our former colonizers intended

  • we can’t feed ourselves.
  • we can’t govern ourselves.
  • we can’t chart our own destinies independent of former colonizers.
  • our economies are geared towards meeting the needs and goals of our former colonizers.
  • we can’t even get along with each other.

It is just plain ridiculous that Africans are fighting and killing each other

WHY …?? :rage::hotsprings:

I sincerely never take such sentiments very seriously. You are here expressing yourself very beautifully, except that you are offering overused sentiments that are common among people who have nothing to show for their education, but insist on criticising the system…
Our education is not perfect, but it is not as useless as you people make it sound. We are suffering a very bad brain drain every year, and the developed nations are big beneficiaries of that. Do you think they are taking those people because of the reasons you mention, good sir?
Buana James Mwangi of equity has been bankrolling scholarships for so many A students for the last so many years. Most of those chaps never set foot back here again for anything other than visiting their folks. Ivy league colleges don’t just accept anyone for such scholarships.
Im sorry but most of those sentiments sound very general and shallow.

Your words …not mine …!!

And the situation is actually grave

Have you ever wondered what the ROOT cause of all those problems is …??? :blush:

Politics. Still doesn’t make our education useless. You are a product of that system. Ama you are also useless like the graduates you speak of?

Mine was IGCSE … (…a proven World Standard …)

Which is not to say that the current system cannot produce useful individuals.

It just has far more flaws and imperfections in its operations and intended results than all the others combined .
(…and your current leadership are good examples …!!! :grin:)

Akili Ni kama Nywele
Kila Mtu ana Zake …!! :grin:

Laptop za uhuru zilienda wapi. A Grand endeavour it was meant to be lakini Kama kawaida a dream was sold to Kenyans, only for the tender to be devoured by the ever-hungry hyena’s we have in power.

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Kaongo was deputy president for 10 Years
But if you were to ask him , he would have no idea

All we have to do is send someone over to the Indian High Commission and ask them how they went about purchasing the tablets

Then copy / paste

We probably get them even cheaper due to economies of scale and charge them with cheap community Solar panels

That’s why I keep saying
We have a lot of educated fools and graft champions in government:rage::hotsprings:

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