Rare Booty

This kind of Booty is Quite Rare Nowadays …





She looks retarded ([SIZE=2]not saying i wouldn’t hit it[/SIZE]) but I guess you don’t date such a chick to get her views on the golan heights or her take on the future of block chain tech!

And one arse to end them All



Where is the bulls eye?

Exactly where the Folds make a Cross…
Penetrate until you feel a warm , slippery moisture …
Then you are sure you are on the right track …!!

How many rolls of tissue paper do these heavy duty women use in a day…disgusting. I like my women medium. Hizi wideload zinakaa kuwa unhygienic sana.

Watu wa momo Wako wapi?

Kazi ya mattercore ni kukaa chini


The fuck!

People lets not confuse issues being obese doesn’t qualify a lass as a momo,huyo ni mgonjwa anafaa kupunguza kukula na pia kukulwa

All i can see are stretch marks

Does no one in here appreciate all this wholesome Goodness…??


Lawd Have Mercy …!!!
This is Killer Booty …!!!


Presso alisema «Take your matakos kwenye dance floor» sip kukaa statue

jina yake tafhadali? nimemtafuta sana @rexxsimba