Random Mwoman Rant..

Allow me to rant a bit about the iron lady, the know it all, ones that can do what a man cant do.

They always perceive themselves the best in everything and they are never to be told anything since they are geniuses of all.
Some are lucky to get married while most of the marriages were fixed by their cunning ways. They do not have time for their families because they chair most of women groups and maybe furthering education. They will get home almost at dinner time, the mboch has prepared everything but she buys the show to present the meal at the dinning. the husband arrives early, stays with the kids and envies the mboch who plans everything from the diet to laundry. the man wishes the mboch would match his standards he would not spare a thot and he ends up getting his slices.
The Mwoman knows it happens but wont talk about it, she cant simply bruise her ego beyond the house.some assist the house girl procure abortion and will never let the cat out. She would never want to leave the husband because she always wants to be associated with the reputable husband so she swallows everthing.
When at home she will fix everything including what the man is supposed to do. they know more about cars and spares than the man. but isorait to know everything but it is good to let the man play his role too.

The young perfect and iron ladies say they are men born in a mwomans body. they brag that most of their friends are men since they cant put up the crap of other women. some will even dress like men call themselves “tommyboys”.
While they might be intelligent and resourceful in ideas, at home a woman remains a woman, carry out the simple family chores attributable to a woman, be there for the kids and the man, respect the man, find the simplest way of putting a point across but not belittle the man otherwise the marriage will be more a formality than a relationship.
I have had a few encounters with men who left their homes to actually pay rent elsewhere because they cant withstand the nagging and untold mwoman.
Am not in such a marriage myself but i dont envy such relationships.
A man on the other hand ought to carry himself as a man otherwise there is a growing pedigree of the mwomen am talking about in the current times and you might end up in one hell of a marriage. Make your good choice.

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iko hekaya mahali ilete


we deride them when they read the oilcap as 710 but criticise them when they learn to repair cars…what do men really want?


To feel superior.

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I’m tempted to comment but I fear the wrath from the Macho men around here, those type that prefers women to be uneducated, stay-at-home type and submissive.
We are living in 21st century whatever a man can do, a woman can do even (much) better.
Matusi in 1,2,… [SIZE=1]going away whistling[/SIZE]*


sina kahekaya actually i have seen it in some of my buddies i would never want to find myself there

being in the know its okay but portraying to know everything and to outdo the man is not okay

do not misquote me everyone in the times would prefer a learned woman or at least able to handle many issues well. i was just referring to the kiherehere type

To be honest. I hate a woman who can even change a bulb.

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Women will never be like men and men will never be women.


unapata juu ya stool amejijaza sana kuweka bulb

well, didn’t know we were in competition; we’re supposed to be complementary, or so i thought…and when you provide leadership it shows by itself, one doesn’t need to proclaim their position…


All this ranting about women is now out of control. Mara its @Ka-Buda 's rant on single mothers and now this? … all pointing to one thing - Women who can take care of responsibilities that men cant or better put women who are independent. Women take these responsibilities wholeheartedly and silently, with no complain.

What do you suggest? We slow down? ----- Nah, nah!


Hii quote ya what a man can do a woman can do better is bullshit and will always be bullshit to the moon and back

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i’d really hate to be bothered with a call when i am in my man business ati “uko wapi na bulb ya sitting imeungua?”…early in our life…actually i think we were boy and girlfriend i showed how to change bulb and fuse…it is called empowering…


wait until you are in the living room with your friend then the mwoman downplays you in their presence. of course as you say we should be complimentary however the way matters are handled matters.

dont slow do best you can and always remember the mans role and the deserved respect.

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These younglings will never come to this!

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kama ni kuniambia dadi leo tupikie chapo basi hapo kwanza nitamtuma kwa mamake akaulize kama hivyo ndivyo anatakikana kuniuliza mbele ya wageni…lakini akiuliza uliweka wapi screwdriver nibadilishe hii fuse ya blender namwambia mahali iko na tunaendelea na mazungumzo yetu na marafiki wangu na kungojea jius…

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1936 kulikuwa na bulb Kenya?