Has the moon been officially sighted here in kenya ama its still missing. Ama Alkebaabs wameificha?
Ramadan maqbul to all fellow Moslems. Allah karim
Saum maqbul.
The period when Muslims adjust their meal times and say they are fasting.
Ramadhan Kareem and Saum Maqbul
“Allahuma barikna Wabalighna shahara Ramdhan…Allahuma Ameen .”
Hehehehehe I have really laughed out loud
si ujaribu even for 1 day and come report here.
If it means eating breakfast,lunch and dinner at 6.30pm then a whole goat at 4 in the morning…i bet even I can do it.Did you know that in the arab countries,diabetes has been linked to eating habits especially during this season? Ramadhan kareem anyway
Its that time of the year akina Ustadh Musa Wanjala hu regret joining Islam. Ustadh Wanjala ni Mluhya ata abadilishe jina. Hakuna Vile Wanjala atawacha UGALI lunch ati ni Ramadhan