Railway uprooters nabbed

Naona ni mzee rika ya @Abba na kijana anajaribu ku make a mirrion before 40yrs

Upuzi mwingine sijui unaingia watu aje.


Such people should be summarily executed and all their assets seized by the state. Kuwapeleka court ni ku-waste taxpayers’ time and money.

Same to Poachers…maumbwa maghaseer hao. Juzi nilikuwa Ol Pajeta kule Nanyuki. The guards narrated how those poachers are cruel to animals. Jamaa anangoa pembe ya Rhino na shoka while the poor animal is still alive bana. Soon our kids won’t see the big 5 bana.

Arror akiwa president after 2022 watakuwa wanatumwa kwa labour camp huko Mwingi Mui Basin kwa mine za coal

Good work d-