Raila storms Kiambu county, launches projects




He also launched the Kigumo Level 4 Hospital. He is continuing Ohurus projects.


Those are just curious onlookers. I pray for a Kenya where everyone will be unavailable for rally on a week day, both politicians and citizens (working nation)

Baba amepanda mlima


Meanwhile compare maendeleo ya huyo mwingine


Akipoteza next year asilaumu Uhuru, amesaidiwa kwa namna zozote,

[quote=“johnpombe, post:3, topic:270557”]

Baba amepanda mlima

Lord of Poverty and donation in one sentence?[/QUOTE]

Tulia. All candidates are free to campaign in all corners of the republic including kiambu.


This is not you speaking…I expect a very negative and awkward comment from you

Why is statehouse_ke pushing only one candidate up the mountain?

I use foul language when talking about parasitic owners of capital only

Baba ako mbele kama mfuko wa shati. Son of Ngina has made him DP and Govt read you and I are paying all expenses. And yes for a billionaire many times over.

Because he is the best suited to lead kenia. Hata kule kijijini kwa boma, mzee anajua ile kijana yake anaweza wachia boma, na anajua ni kijana gani jambaz hagwez achiwa ushukani.

Me too. So many idle Kenyans.

Musalia Mudavadi for president.

True but how do you justify the spending?

I’ve always maintained since I joined that Ruto would win but Raila will be president… Now I don’t think Ruto hasany route to victory. This will be a rout.

lakinirao ni chizi kama anadhani atapata kura kiambu :D:D:D

Wacha tungoje August. Kuna watu watashtuka. I predict a margin of 2m votes or thereabouts.

Many sweets and cakes from our uncle in Nairobi when he visits after 5 years.

Mtu wa kuiba credit from foreign firms niaje, that was ill advised

Arrooor is finished. Kwisha kabisa. Sept 2022 his address will be

Chambaz sugu
P.O. Box 426 Sukoi.