I was reading what is becoming a common defense of R Kelly among black men. The depth of the pathology is mind boggling. So men are now saying that if your parents pimped you out to R Kelly before you were of consent giving age, hey they’re your parents so that is consent. Yes. Basically as a child, you are your parents property and they are entitled to sell you to sexual predators and both adult parties, parents and Predators are within their rights. The pimp culture in poor communities. Even in Kenya poor parents like at the Coast pimp their children out to white folk and fishermen, wherever they can get bread. Guys let’s not jump on bandwagons before interrogating issues.
Now, let us talk about R Kelly. At 5 years old, he was molested by a 55 year old man living in his block in the projects. His mother a single mother was busy working to support her kids, R Kelly like most kids in black, poor neighborhoods didn’t even know who his dad was and probably had no male relatives around. Basically he took to the 55 year old guy like a fish to water which is what kids do when they do not have fathers or father figures in their lives and this is why single women should keep their random boyfriends away from their children COMPLETELY.
So R Kelly found a man to fill the void in his life, then the man starts molesting him. Eventually some people catch the guy and almost kill him, mob justice style. The cops save him and open charges. The man then pays R Kelly’s mother 5k dollars to drop the charges. So basically the only parent R Kelly has pimped him out, she needed the money or whatever but the fact is she pimped him out. Folks, being betrayed by your mother is the most painful thing to a child, even one who is grown, ask the girls slaving away in Gulf sending development money to their moms and then they come back to nothing and the mother isn’t even apologetic. Who can you trust if you can’t even trust your own mother? R Kelly could not hate his mom, she was all he had, he adored her and craved for her unavailable love so much that he would kiss the lipstick she left on her coffee cup when he would wake up and find her gone to work. He was a molested latch key kid. This molesting story does not end here. His older sister who considering how toxic environment was, was probably molested herself started molesting him.
If there’s one thing I have zero tolerance for its you go through this harrowing abuse experiences, you know how it feels, how dehumanizing it is, the betrayal especially for a child and then you become an abuser yourself as an adult. Such people to me just need to be shot in the head execution style. It’s inexcusable when you know the pain and the horror of such and then as an adult you go out and do this to children and because you have the money and the influence you just pay off or buy their parents compliance, complicity, betrayal whatever. Exactly what was done to you but you are doing it on a larger scale.
When I sat down to watch the documentary, I wasn’t expecting what I saw in the first few minutes. Yes, I am a true crime fanatic but even serial killers focus on adults most of the time so I am not exactly desensitized to crimes against children. Especially when it’s as in your face like it was in that documentary.
I was so gutted I didn’t watch any further until couple of days later it took me to get over the shock of what I saw. I actually felt sick in the stomach like I don’t recall feeling in my life. I have been a fan of his songs? Oh. Lord No. Yaani his songs that I listened to and loved from when I was a kid were deleted from my mind like blasphemy. I didn’t follow the cases of Aaliyah and this girl back in the day, do not recall why exactly but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw on that documentary.
Wah. I saw a photo of R Kelly at a basketball game with his arm over an 8 yo girl mtoto wa class 3, like a proud father. The same girl in his sex tape at 14, where he was urinating and throwing money at her. So from age 8 he had started grooming her for his diabolical perverted schemes. Vile niliona hio photo of the 8 yo girl in her basketball uniform, I was like Mungu wangu this is a man whose music I have been listening to since I was a child. Heavy sigh. Yaani nilijichukia.
What is even more annoying and utterly incomprehensible are these parents who leave their children who are even below 10 to live alone unsupervised with grown men because they are celebs like Michael Jackson and R Kelly. A grown ass man like Michael Jackson sleeps in the same bed with your 5,6,7,8 year child. You are the parents and you don’t sleep in the same bed with them but because it’s someone who is a musical icon who can do a lot for you, your child can sleep in his bed?
Ni hayo tuu. May R Kelly rot in jail. He’s a monster and he doesn’t even deserve to be alive.