Quote of the Day

Arap Mashamba has no Moral Authority to Speak about Moral Authority.


Good Day Talkers and Take Care.

What constitutuonal ammendments is ODM planning???

No idea, give me the heads up.

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Si ata mimi ndio nauliza

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This guys is heading nowhere just as his boss. His arguments are just ridiculous, how can he say on National TV that appointments are based on two tribes, he doesn’t have the facts only saying that we can count by fingers…what the hell??? :confused::confused:

Are you morally upright yourself? Don’t judge @kende mosi

First order of business for Nasa will be to amend the constitution to change the Executive structure of government to create the Premier and deputy PMs positions, apparently that does not even need a referendum, a bill in parliament will get the job done.

[ATTACH=full]108676[/ATTACH] 10 million +

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The road less travelled?

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To pass such a bill NASA will need numbers in the august house …my question is what if they get in power and they don’t have the numbers needed to pass such a bill, what then?? o_O

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Refer to “Okoa kenya” and don’t forget ruto (of kos atakuwa opposition hyo time) ataweka campaign kali sana ya kupinga hyo referendum

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Remember the teachings, the wide and narrow paths?