Quick Summary On Haiti


I hear wako kwa 50th president na they are more of a shit hole than Kenya.

Then you hear another fool saying they are bonobos. A young African country forced to pay people who enslaved them for 122 years. It breaks my heart

But you have to admit their corrupt bonobo mentality has played a big part in their problems past, now, and into the future.

At least Kenyans now have someone worse to look down upon…? :smiley:


According to Televangelist Guka Pat Robertson Haiti will never know peace coz their voodoo religion

Haiti know how to start a revolution shida they never finish it.and their bonobo leaders mara earthquake

Christianity is the biggest voodoo of them all when you think about it. He meant they stop the black man voodoo and do the white man mumbojumbo

Sipendi hii tabia ya kuwekelea wazungu but on Haiti they made sure to make an example of it , crazy fines for seeking independence, propping up dictators, forcing things like open trade with giants like America this killed their agriculture (Hatian farmers competing with subsidized American produce ) etc etc

These comments reveal you to be the dumbest things around. Caribbean islands are all black. Most are peaceful and fairly good places to live. You have to ask yourself why Haiti is the way it is. Obviously it’s not blackness but constant pernicious involvement by foreign powers especially France in their first 100 years and United States in the last 100.

You’re dumber if you excuse the perennial corrupt regimes they have had over all those periods.

I did not excuse corruption I merely said that between that and other corrupt countries around it there are special factors that make their case especially bad. There’s been too many regime changes that were orchestrated by outside actors.

France fucked up Haiti real bad. Haiti paid reparations to France for over 100 years. The French had no mercy with them. America nao made sure Haiti wont trade with other countries including its neighbour Dominican Republic. Basically Haiti was ver desperate economically. Dictators also made sure the country was in poverty by stealing the country’s resources and funds.

Haiti has never known peace. Hata UN walishindwa kuleta peace huko. Gang violence, murders, rape are the order of the day!

UN walipeleka kipindupindu ! Kama kuna country ishwai kuwa na bahati mbaya ni Haiti ,even mothernature hates them , plus you don’t want to see the treatment they get from their neighbours the dominican Republic , which is the most racist country in the world !


Has little to do with foreign powers. These people have never experienced stability or orderliness so their attitudes remain those of a savage 17th century Wild West. It’s not that difficult to create a country from scratch. A President comes into power in Haiti, they will never want to leave. And to the average Haitian, this is fine. You cannot tell them otherwise. Start with a guy called Papa Doc Duvalier.
They are just another Liberia before UN interventions. Disorder is the order of the day.

Your comment is ignorant and stupid.

Someone who counters with no facts is always more stupid than the original commenter.

No matter how much you wear the collar and leash and perform as the junkyard dog to protect and advance white racism in this forum, you are still a negro to those whites. You are just a black apologist of racism and colonialism.

You counter stated facts by other listers by saying ‘‘it is not about foreign powers…people of Haiti are savages’’. How so? This is a small island nation that was blocked from trading with any country for over 150 years, not even with its land border neighbour Dominican Republic. When its tourism boomed in the 70s and 80s, US doctors connivingly opined that the strain of HIV coming from Haiti was more virulent, hence killing Haitian tourism industry. Haiti proclaimed its independence in 1804, Duvalier and his son ruled for about 30 years from mid 50s to 1986, how convenient for you to assert that this is a representative of the entire Haiti history and leadership? And if a leader’s longevity in power is a measure of a country’s impoverishment, why is UAE not impoverished? Are Kenyans savages because Moi stayed in power for 24 years? What about Uganda under Museveni?

Don’t be stupid:D:D:D

You are jumping into a lot of topics( UAE largely was sand dunes in 1950s and you know what caused the change…) Let me remind you of one argument from me. Leadership is a reflection of the people. Someone stays in power because populace held him there. And his character is similar to general populaton. So if you have a crook in power, place him amongst his people and you will find that he is not an exception. Same applies for one who has trouble following rules of books. I see you referring to savages, but those are your personal definitions.

Just on Ktalk and other forums, you have heard arguments that Kenya needs a dictator to transform the nation. Have you ever wondered the gist of such arguments. Why??