Question to the Wankers


I have read somewhere that the more a man jerks off, the less sensation & excitement you get from your old videos and you need to find new content.

Is that so? Does it mean that you need to regularly find fresh videos to stimulate your mind?

If that is so, no wonder some guys here have a huge collection of videos.:D:D

Help my confusion.

Pornhub is having trouble keeping up with demand. Porn makes up for 90% of all internet traffic globally

Nyonga till you die

sidhani banae
labda 1930s ndio ilikuwa hivo

sikuhizi kuna netflix spotify youtube na all manner of streaming penye sio lazima ujifiche ukiangalia.
pornhub mtu huona 3mins nakuwachana nayo


@Kalenjin101 peana ushuhuda huku wanker

Jameni ni Monday. Wankers should at least limit their indecent acts to Fridays and weekends


takula githeri daily?



It was different in the 1930’s

Clearly hujaelewa kitu anasemwa,here goes…you cannot wank to a re-run. All pornstars are like ‘girlfriends’,kuna ule ni favorite,the rest are good as they come but more are still coming.
Zile ziko saved as the OP insinuates are favourites…you wank to those ka stima imelost,uko trip ya job solo…otherwise kungua PH ama X,nikutafuta new content and category. [SIZE=1] I am going to hell for this[/SIZE]:smiley:
Watching porn is tideous ,if you can decipher this

hii ndio umbaya ya kublock watu:D:D
hebu click show ignored content uone nilikuwa na response nani

:D:Dit is indeed… as you try to find the best content

@muritugi was talking about dwindling excitement on re run porn
@Micymas went of topic about traffic
You sir interjected that with 'streaming 'na kutojifcha which segued into the topic hence my well memed rambling up there:D:D:D