mimi nime jaribu mbinu karibu zote for now but zina backfire except ile ya kunyolewa na kinyozi of which i find it inconvenient and inconsistent because i have to go there once or twice a week… i have a full beard
I prefer going to the barber because they are professional. Wanakuosha vizuri and apply after shave vizuri so that you don’t get an infection. Halafu on request unapewa head massage unatoka hapo feeling all new.
Tumia clippers and don’t crop it too close. The bumps mostly develop when you cut the beard below the skin level. As the hair start growing it pierces the skin and gets stuck creating a pimple on the affected spot. That is why the bumps appear a day or two after the shave. This is not common with whites because their hair is softer than ours. The shaver is a no no if your skin is that sensitive.[ATTACH=full]31417[/ATTACH]
I prefer clippers, I rarely get 'em bumps. I’m not very hairy, just little sideburns, small goatee. I’ve been thinking of getting a Panasonic or Philips clipper badala ya kwenda kwa barber.
schick razor green disposable with ordinary soap foam two to three times/week. no probs at all and i don’t even use aftershave…i avoid bic and gilette like the plague though…