Question Cretins

My Uncle(by blood) has a wife that has a Sister who Has a very beautiful daughter and she is Now turning 18 .
I think she is into me. Keeps texting every now and then. mentions my wife everytime na mimi hata sina dems.

anyway is that Incest if i proceed to coeerce her and afterwards?

wewe kwisha!!

Never try that shit! Ask me. You will break families, lives, relationships and much more!

you are not related at any chance…fyeka kesi baadaye

Hizi maswali zako zingine unapeleka quota huko huenda. utasaidiwa

hakuna shimo mbaya:D:D:D

Piga cousin kuni na ukuje na hekaya, usituangushe

lakini si ako mbali kidogo… Anaita bibi ya uncle yangu auntie juu mamake na yeye ni sisters

Ni kitu imeweza sana? ama unadai kuzima moto tu juu ni relative wa mbali.

niko dryspell na pia ni kavajo, entitlement pia si unaelewa…

Cretins najua ushamake up your mind, hapa ni validation tu unakuja kutafuta…

But finally it will narrow down to the family level. Everyone will accuse him of incest and taking advantage of the young chic.

pita nayo.

wachana na huyo cockblocker,kila kitu anasemanga,ask me…kula kitu kesi baadaye

The Greeks say “Karima kooru no ka nyoka” translation “shimo mbaya ni ya nyoka peke yake”

Currently in a similar situation. Waiting to see how this goes

is Kamau your Name by any chance?

Why would you ask? Isn’t being anonymous on here enough?

Sledge yaani had I handle yako ingine in a reply kWa thread yako na unaijibu hata hujielewi tena

Bora utumie CD. Incest is only wrong if you give birth to any offspring. Ukimkamua na CD sioni shida asrong as nyinyi wote mmeelewana na sio kumforce umemforce, but make chua mmeagree juu dema anaeza shikwa na guilty conscious baadaye akuanike mbele ya church na wazazi wake.