question about lunapark, pango

wanakijiji, nina swali.
Especially to village madmen, who has been to said venue? specifically, how is it situated security wise?
village trolls are welcome as well…
thanks in advance.

Too dirty. Machines look neglected. Your car could be broken into while you enjoy yourselves.

I would rather you consider Funscapes at TRM. Very hi-tech machines.

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True but very expensive. I took my kid there one time and within 30 Minutes, 2K ilikuwa imeisha.

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Hata Kama ungeingia Saape uitishe whisky bado two hours ungekua na change.:D:D

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Si Ndio Bana! Hio kitu iliniuma sijawai rudi huko tena.

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Talk to me. I can have someone give you a whole afternoon (2.5 hrs) for 1k.

thanks for the feedback guys.
I went there and I liked it…
it’s the perfect place to go for when you feel like being disappointed!!