Mzae umechelewa, ama ni vile hakuna curfew. Tuseme ni mapema.
Salimia huyo mama wa macho nne. Ukipata namba rusha.
Hii yote inataka pesa ya mwanaume
Hio pic 2 ni ya @uwesmake na mpenziwe @Electronics4u kabla waingie lodging hapo Kayole Bar & Restaurant, Accomodation Available 24/7.
Electronics is the short one. He is smiling because in a few hours he will be destroying @uwesmake 's mkundu firimbi while the Bukusu wails loudly for his Bukusu ancestors.
Hio pic 3 ni Mungiki @Sambamba na mpenziwe @Coronatities . Huwa wanajifanya hapa ati hawapendani but behind closed doors they knock boots and break bed springs.
Afterwards @Sambamba sheds tears for half an hour because he is the type of sensitive bonobo who gets emotional after sex.
Men who lean their heads towards women ni maumbwa.
Si unakuwaga na matakwo mingi…mara hii sio poa,ukifanya hivi ni mbaya
Maliza hio mbweha mzee tafadhali.
Let him go set standards to his fat wife.
Your faggotry is helping you not see anything wrong with a man who submits to a woman.
Ghasiaa … commissioner, you back from the …
How would that break any of my bone,Waswahili walisema,pilipili usioila yakuwashia nini.
You are not people’s headmaster to tell them what they should do or how they should potray themselves.
Weee Mr Perfecto kanyaga kubwa kubwa ukiendaga uwachanee na watu waishi maisha yao…
Elders wameamua comments in threads siku hizi tu ni sweep after sweep
mbona hapo pyasa majamaaa wanashikana hivo? ama ni vile @MBOMB hutomba @Nipe Nikusifu
Chief, acha kutuchafua macho. Rudisha kassin na si tafadhali. I’m in town and I just might check into that kibandaski along moi avenue nichukulie mama watoto kakitu nimsurprise. What was the stall number again?
Fafanua mzae
It shows that umesurrender kwa huyo mwanamke and you are the bitch in the relationship. You have actually submitted to the lady and handed over your makende to her.
Na ni kweli ati dem asipo tilt/ lean her head towards you ati haku feel?
Kweli.kapsa. Anakuona meffi but kuna vile hataki kukwambia.