Ancestral land is coming home
Ancestral land is coming home
Musito anafaa kutomba Ukraine bila huruma, kuliko vile alitomba Georgia 2008. Leadership ya Ukraine wana ushienzi sana, yaani they have no problem destroying their country while showing Russia the middle finger. Putin would rather split Ukraine into two than have western missile bases next door.
Halafu NATO huwa na double standards za upuzi. I wonder how the US would react if Mexico became pro-Russia and allowed the Russians to set up military bases? Si Mehico inaeza tombwa sagwasagwa? Baaas, musito pia acheze kama yeye.
Arudishe Crimea Ukraine.
Hiyo cream ililambwa Na ikamezwa
Kiendacho kwa mganga hakirudi,Crimea was traded to Russia by the Ottoman Empire as part of the treaty provisions and annexed in 1783. The same russkies sold alaska to US and no one is asking for it back despite the amount of oil deposits lying around