Putin Hachezangi


Putin is resilient in his onslaught. Pole pole tu na yuafinya EU mackagary.

Am afraid Putin is playing into NATO’s hands. All they want is half an excuse to go to war with Russia and striking Poland will give them what they are itching for.

Who cares, putin doesnt care anymore, they are going to bleed russia by a thousand uts, and then eventually at some far point in the future, they are going to attack russia. Those russians of that time will blame the generations of today for not intervening to protect them. Unlike Americans, who are descended from economic migrants. Russians were born in russia, it is their native land, and they haven no interest in losing an inch of it.

Are they ready NATO countries for nuclear winter. Nuclear bombs hitting their cities and villages. And is USA ready for destruction that will send it to third world and hand over the world leadership automatically to China. I believe they know consequences of the same are better imagined …

Him mwaka tunakufa njaa




The west has planned to invade Russia for decades. The only thing that stops them is Russia’s defensive arsenal. NATO will never stop, so they might as well have a showdown under a strong leader such as Putin and get it over with.

Russia is NOT Sudan or Somalia for Homosexual USA and EU fagg0ts to mess with at will. Their ill planned sanctions have backfirerd and are now buttfvcking them without a lotion. USA and fellow assh0les are only good when dealing with defenseless cesspits such as Iraq, Somali and Vietnam and even those still buttfcvk the US homosexuals. FVCK the Sodomites

No one wins in a nuclear war and having those type of weapons serves as a deterrent.

Putin is heading for his “Waterloo” moment …
Attacking any member of NATO will trigger Article 5 …

Adolf Hitler made the same mistake when he tried to fight two wars at the same time …
The Battle of Britain and the Invasion of the USSR …

We all know how that ended up … :D:D
