Purple at work

Damn gurlll. Even if you hate white folk this is cold mehn.


Hapa huwezi ona black rights activists @LuandaMagere , @Ndindu ama @MicJiggle . They only believe in activist lies from CNN or Dr. Umar Johnson.

I could say the same about you believing white people lies :D.

maliza hio brukhengeh kabisa…

This is wrong

Damn! Where is the rest of the staff when this is happening?

Sad and despicable. This healthcare worker should be barred from the medical profession and locked up for physical abuse.

Best video ever. Her grandparents killed thousands of negros. Keep up girl.

Piga UA!!

A patient is not in control of her faculties. She shouldn’t be mistreated, whatever she may have said to the nurse. There will be consequences for da black sista

You deserve to be neutered for this celebratory chant. Be humane, or you’ll act no differently from the enslavers

For George Floyd and 5 BILLION other negroes killed or harmed by the Evil White Devils

We’ve all got an axe to grind with evil people, but it’s fair to place the blame where it belongs. Not all white people supported slavery, so there is no sense in molesting a person, least of all a sick one, purely on the basis of their colour or race. That’s being deranged. That nurse probably has other anger issues that she’s taking out on the elderly white woman.

White devils have raped this world for the last 500 years. Culling them is a service to humanity

You’re an intelligent person: what can you learn from them?
Run your affairs well, and you will never be a slave to any human being. You will have the option to walk away from anything, including a demeaning job. You don’t want to lose your freedom because you failed to control yourself.