@Purple how is situation on ground apo Trumpstan. 20,000 deaths sio mchezo banae.
Mimi kama ktalk mbirrionnaire I can order for an immediate evacuation, ukuje huku kanyunyu village for a mandatory 14 day seof kwarantain. You will waking up and going to rest with a bellaire, a martini or a barcadi in your hour glass.
Just because nurses in Italy didn’t whine does is mean they never became overwhelmed?
Alafu what makes you think that a very prominent site like daily mail will just circulate a fake video anyhow?
Buana don’t be quick to dismiss that which you cannot verify. Kwa ground vitu ni different. I think you should also know that wazungus cry more often that sisi bonobos.
The biggest burden is the sheer number of hospitalized patients. Even though most of them won’t die, they are requiring supplemental oxygen and observation for any signs of deterioration.
Hio video iko ambiguous Sana. Who are her target audience, her employer? Patients? The public? The way I see it huyu anahitaji tu a date out na beta male ambebeleze, shida zake zitaisha
How true is this?
Copper can effectively help to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, which are linked to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), new research shows. Using copper to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses | ScienceDaily