Pupils burnt in Nyeri

Princess Diana’s brother released a book on boarding school trauma he went through recently.

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Boarding schools were invented to shift the burden of raising kids to teachers. Most parents take their kids to boarding school to enjoy freedom. Ni kuhepa responsibilities tuu.


white aristocrats are inbred and gey , therefore it is acceptable

The white settlers came up with boarding schools because settlers were dispersed all over east africa and their numbers were few and schools were unavailable. That is why they built schools such as Rift Valley Academy, Turi, Greensteads etc. Therefore the white kids would converge from their settler homes in kinangop, kitale, nanyuki, arusha, jinja, south sudan etc and their numbers would be enough to fill classes and run a school. The schools used the british curriculum and exams so that the kids could transition back home to attend university and other colleges. Therefore the founding of boarding schools in Kenya was due to necessity.

However in Britain, the society was very segregated and the children of the aristocracy were not supposed to interact with the children of the commoners ie the servants/peasants and that is why schools such as Eton were founded and because the aristocracy was spread all over Britain, the schools had to be boarding for convenience of the students. The students would later join Kings College, Oxford which was reserved for those high class kids.

True. But there are situations where taking kids to a boarding school is a rational choice. Consider this. You travel extensively for work both locally and internationally. Your wife also travels a lot e.g an air hostess or you are a single dad. In such situations, you can justify sending your kids to a nice comfy boarding school. Some boarding schools feel more like hotels instead of prisons.

Unfortunately, most boarding schools are just watered down prisons for kids.

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There’s a serious need for fire detection and alarm systems in our boarding schools. I doubt if some of these administrators know of these systems.

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Lol! Comparing Eton, an £18,000 a term school to these prison like facilities we have here? Teenagers there have weekends at home and parents are in school every 5 minutes because of the numerous activities that require their involvement. In the western world boarding schools are an exception not the norm. Most, if not all very are super expensive and only offer weekly boards meant to cater to parents who travel a lot with work and would like stability for their children.

I don’t think they would even be useful. Hizi buildings zimejengwa kama cages, no fire escape doors, fire doors, extinguishers etc Sisi wafrika we don’t value life bora tutebgeneze pesa.


A more rational choice isn’t to have a child and toss it to strangers to raise it since you’re busy.

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