Its not like she was a virgin or a nun for that matter…I mean even as a man which one would you prefer, to give a tongue job to a lady president or middle level lady manager? So how can giving a blow job be traumatic and more so when you give it to a president?
She (Hillary) just stood by him cz of her presidenshio ambitions. N maybe he signed some agreement. Nothing else!
Hai, inaitwa politics. Do you think should would have had a shot at the presidency if she had divorced him? Americans are more conservative than Kenyans in some ways. Lakini she has balls…
Actually she’s claiming that the media blitz after the story broke out is what drove her bonkers. Even then, didn’t she understand whose tarimbo was in her mouth?
SQs huwa na mashida mingi…has she kept her mouth shut all would have been well but she probably thought she could bring down the guy
she cashed in $12 million from that blitz and razzmatazz. Now she is worth down to $500,000. I can see where the PTSD comes from
Kwani pesa alitumiaje?