Psychosomatic Illnesses

I remember the first week Corona was announced. My friend who has a chemist told me haijawahi uzaa dawa za Homa hivyo even in July. Ama this is what they call herd immunity. Anyway even me right now I’m coughing but I’m like afterall the crazy things I’ve done kama ni Homa itaniua Bas it’s just my house in heaven that got complete. Im even eating ice-cream coz mbinguni hakuna digiri, I mean hakuna ice-cream. This disease is a psychological torture more than anything. In fact people are dying coz of fear not even the disease itself.

Hey wamama, let’s just speak the truth, Nani anaskia nikama ako na symptoms za Corona lakini anaogopa kupimwa Kama Mimi? Aki Jana I suffered the entire night na Nina kohoa, Niko na joint pains, soar throat and at one point Jana nlikua na shortness of breath. But sina fever sina sina. Who is like me tupeanane motivation. I am on kitungu saumu, cough syrup, maramoja, na tangawizi. Alafu am drinking water. Vile nlilunywa kitungu saumu Jana, I got well after less than an hour. Sahii sijaexperience shortness of breath but niko na pains kidogo kidogo na kukohoa. Alafu my throat inakauka Sana. Nlipiga hizo namba mbili Jana usiku but moja ilikua mteja, ingine haikushikwa. That was a sign that these health people are not serious with us. Mimi sitakubaki kukufa I understand that we live in a country where the government does not take care of the welfare of it’s citizens (allegedly) and I can’t wait for those people when am dying. I live alone so I quarantine my self kwangu alafu uzuri I work at home. So nimereduce my workloads. Nawork kiac tu. Am sending photo of how I prepare kitungu saumu tangawizi ndimu… I am also researching, excercising and am planning to buy erithtomyacin.