Hello, am inviting any one interested or passionate with dairy farming to a farm tour on one of the most successful dairy farms in Kenya at Redhill - Kiambu county on 10th March 2018
Expect to learn on the following
[li]Production and herd structure[/li][li]Animal health[/li][li]Calf rearing/young stock management[/li][li]Feeds/feeding management (TMR system)[/li][li]Groupings and requirements[/li][li]New Cow Barns ( for cow comfort and efficiency)[/li][li]Herd management software[/li]
[li]Adoption of technology[/li][li]Socio-economic management[/li][li]Challenges[/li][li]Value addition ( Molito yoghurt Factory)[/li][/ul]
Below is a video of the farm as highlighted by KTN
Molitos Dairy Farm is one of the most successful dairy farm in Kenya. The farm has its own value addition processing where it produces several varieties of yoghurt.
This farm is a high level modernized farm with machinery like tractors, Choppers and milking machines.
Current herd size is 79 pedigree hosteins
47 Cows (7dry cows)
32 Heifers
40 milking cows
Production average 940lts per day (23.5 lts/cow/day)
Land size 40 acres (35 acre under maize(silage) and napier.
READ ALSO: IN PHOTOS: How the farm tour to Muranga – Kefa Gardens went down on 9th of December 2017
Expect to learn on the following
[li]Production and herd structure[/li][li]Animal health[/li][li]Calf rearing/young stock management[/li][li]Feeds/feeding management (TMR system)[/li][li]Groupings and requirements[/li][li]New Cow Barns ( for cow comfort and efficiency)[/li][li]Herd management software (UNFORM AGR)[/li][li]Adoption of technology[/li][li]Socio-economic management[/li][li]Challenges[/li][li]Value addition ( Molito yoghurt Factory)[/li][/ul] CHARGES PER HEAD
(Inclusive of Transport; to & from Nairobi, snacks, meals, writing materials and 2x250mls yoghurt) 3,000/=
2,500/= with own transport
Payment made to Farmers Trend mpesa till number 201677
The tour is organized by Farm Expose Limited, Farmers Trend Ltd and Oxfarm Organic Ltd.
A dry cow is the period we can describe as a cow being on vacation awaiting the next lactation. The dry period gives the cow a metabolic and physical rest from milking
Thats being shallow, apart from kuona ngombe kubwa kubwa, will you learn the secret behind those exhibiting farms, making on feeds or even value adding. You can do better kijana