
We, Humans are a unique species.
We turned a simple act of humping into a scandal and investment alike.
Imagine this situation:
A man spends nine months trying to get out of a woman and the rest of his life trying to get into one.
Anything we do is about sex. Look at lotion adverts, bikini designs(they reveal 80% of useless flesh and send us on a scavenger hunt to go find, see and use the covered 20% flesh). Word we use have been raped too. This days an attractive lass is a sexy lass.
Men work their asses of to earn slightly above their presumed or otherwise existing competition to be the first in line into a woman’s jeans/pants/skirt and what have you.
For Trivia:
Did you know that the frontal dentition of a penis is meant to pull out a competitor’s sperm from deep within the woman as a dude is humping?
Our contemplative thought train halts at this Location.

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Frontal dentition? Kwani your dick was hit by a lorry?


Sex means much more to a woman than to a man, it takes place inside her body while the man uses a mere projection of his body - Page 52 of A man of the people by Chinua Achebe

Not a Nairobi woman with a pussy wide enough to fit 4 penises. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Inaonekana hujatairiwa. Swara mzwee vuruta hiyo ngizi ya mbele kuja nyuma kidogo utaona mfano wa mtaro wa mviringo.

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there is no place like home.
this vindicate an old adage that states that a woman is homeless,tribeless,raceless,clanless and nyumbaless plus rikaless

Freud was wrong about everything we are social beings not sexual ones. A few of us transcend all that to achieve enlightenment.

Freud was wrong about a lot of stuff…then again, he was on a fucktonne of coke so it’s really hard for me to hate the guy

I take it as an opinion of his. Most philosophers, psychology majors and introverts borrow his trail. My view was based on an old argument I had with some guy. The question was ‘can we distinguish what is real from our imagination?’

yeah, his opinion that’s taken as gospel truth by everyone else…
but I have an even more interesting question… how do you distinguish between reality and perception
keeping in mind that your reality is a subset of your perception…

‘My’ reality is partially based on my opinions of the feedback I get from the information processed in my brain. That, added to the common agreed upon things like the sky, laws of science form a huge junk of reality. Remembering that the said laws are subject to change through interpretation complicates things. So to me reality is based on perceptions. If individual, the perceptions become easily deniable. When a group agrees it becomes semi-truth. Advertising companies employ studies into our tendencies based on how we interpret reality and they make good money from us by making us buy what we do not need.