Ps3 online games

Can someone play games online using a chipped PS3?

You should be able to. Problem is that the server may need your machine to have the newest system update. If thats the case you are fucked. But im speculating.

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By chipped you mean jailbroken, right? You will be able to play but eventually get banned. Install the latest multiman stealth, SEN enabler, Spoof enabler-disabler and/or PSN patch. These apps will simply buy you time but bado you will get the ban mwishowe. It could be your next log in or after 2 years. I got kicked after 6 months.Trick is to avoid ‘marked’ games. Black Ops 2 was one and got many people banned. It still does. Always do some research on marked games to prolong your online time. Usiwahi rukia game mpya kucheza online.


Great info…nimeona ni possible you get a lifetime ban.
Are there no other online gaming platforms other than PSN?

PS4 mbichi inaeza patikana na bei ya jioni pia… Halla

Ps4 niliavoid coz bado haijachipiwa

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Yes u can. Burr am buying an xbox1 kesho. Anyone who is in europe can inbox me nauza ps3. .only 100 euro+ FIFA 15

Patieni Sony pesa yao. Ala !