Project x

Wazazi chungeni ma teenie wenu

Was just about to ask hii project X nini?

Movie fulani based on a true story

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Ni karamu ya ngono[ATTACH=full]32994[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]32995[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]32994[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]32996[/ATTACH]

Nitahamia Nyeri sasa. @gashwin tafutia mimi ka 50 X 100 huko.

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It’s not like teenagers are starting to fuck each other now, it’s just that someone else other than morning pills companies decided to make money off it.


Suckers are born daily. Class, repeat after me;suckers are born daily. This is no more than a con game. Create a hype, let 1000 niggas send you money, disappear!! Simple as that. Take that to the bank


i was telling my pals as much.
creative con men on the prowl.

Hii project x ni fala flani anajifunza mbotochop… your font and pic placement skills are wanting 3/10.

This house bash is being blown up this is just a party not an orgy its just a marketing ad nothing more and lets be honest some of us have been to afew partys that were inosently planned but turned to something else?

project X was there last year. N twas successful