Project X Kenyan Version

Kunguru haezi fugika enyewe ile maneno imefanyika house party at disclosed location links attached

Ujana ni maua + the internet Never forgets.

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All I want to know is who is this who bought a land cruiser for naked puthy girls in shady bras to dance on?? and who is the old muhindi looking guy recording hapo?

Captain frisk si ako na hizo video mingi sanakule telekram.nothing extra ordinary though nineona hio story kwa githeri media

A 2 door SUV in 2018
Nikiona mwanaume mzima ananunua gari 2 door… i die inside
utabeba material za construction wapi?
dame wako ataweka groceries za kejani wapi?
you are telling ur kids they can go fuck themselves
Alafu its a cheap 2 door SUV not like the [SIZE=7]Range Rover Evoque Convertible[/SIZE]


Ile nuks hiyo gari itapata! inafanya pressups saa huu.

Links za ajabu hizi. Illuminati. Zinafungiliwa aje?

2-door SUV’s are the way to go for grown up men who’re past wives & shit & don’t see the point of hauling an extra 360 kg (that’s four 90kg bags of maize) in the 4-door version whenever & wherever they go. Same engine, less haul = more go for lesser fuel, tear & wear, better maneuverability; plus who needs seven seats when all you carry at most is a son or two… groceries my foot…that aside, I’ve heard of this thing which carries all sorts of shit in a large bed at the back, I stand corrected but I think it’s called a pick-up truck or something…but what spoilt, un-grown up ferk with a sad case of myopia would think of non-issues like that…

ukunguru tu!