Prof. Makau Mutua advises arrorrr to run for governor ‘to avoid shame’ of losing in 2022


:D:D:D:D:D…hii ghaseer ya crystal ball non sense should take his nonsense huko kwao kitui or is it makueni

I’ll keep repeating this, Arror hakuna pahali anaenda.

Hehehe sisi watu wa baba tuliwai ambiwa hivi 2013 tukafikiria ni mchezo…we had the numbers, we had the momentum…or so we thought

Wacha Tukule Pesa
Lakini KURA ni siri.

:D:D:D:D:D and they keep saying we have no balls

Very sound advice. cc: @sani and @SaltyLight , what’s your take ?

Makau is an mpig or seneta from which constituency?

Which numbers? You guys are sooooo deluded

Why would you listen to a Pink Man?

Can mutua run for a prefect position in a local nursery school and win?

nonsense , ungesema hata 2007,

2013 vile kibaki alikataa ku endorse Baba, vile Ruto alikuwa amefutwa kazi na Raila aka whip emotions za wakale , vile Baba alikataa wakalee wa demarcate MAU into farms i knew there was zero hope

Makau Mutua always jinxed, any candidate he supports fails. He must be very surprised to see Arror headed to SH one step at a time.