Prof. Githu Muigai Resigns

Very bad timing. Don’t ask.

AG actually anafaa kuwa biased. He defends the government of Kenya as an institution. Of course a President would choose one who is on his side.

That’s why hananga security of tenure ukisoma Constitution, unlike DPP na Auditor General.

this is a bit weird why was he re appointed, kama alikuwa anajua since could have notified the president he did I not want another tetm

He worked well with mutunga and Rawal at JSC since they were all long serving law intellectuals and respected each other. However with the rise of the wakora judges he found a mismatch and couldn’t agree on the direction of JSC. Appellate Judge Kariuki was most qualified as CJ but wasn’t considered due to regional balancing. Two arms of government from same community. Now he gets to JSC as AG and he is still the most qualified there. He is also not a pushover and a strong leader. Now let’s await in the near future the other nominees at JSC (Judges & Magistrate nominees) to see how it will go.

Most people don’t know this, they think the AG is still like wako. That post was split into 3. DPP with security of tenure to handle Prosecution, Solicitor General to draft, sign all contracts on behalf of government of Kenya with no security of tenure and Attorney General to be exclusively the Executive lawyer with no security of tenure.

Even David Rudisha questioned the immediate replacement.

Githu as the AG looked Bored, I guess he had issues with The Duo.

Who is the next Prosecutor

The revisit is nearly complete. The dynamics of JSC has tilted. Wakora Judges…


I have forwarded the names of Patrick Gichohi, Olive Mugenda and Felix Kosgey to the National Assembly for approval to be members of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC)

Githu was Kibaki’s choice. I think the problem was Njee

Hehe…he couldn’t take it anymore from the two dunderheads…who keep disregarding the court orders just because they can.

For those who think it was rushed,or a surprise resignation, I want to think differently.
I tend to believe these were pre thought out developments.Or how else do you also explain this?

President of Kenya


I have forwarded the names of Patrick Gichohi, Olive Mugenda and Felix Kosgey to the National Assembly for approval to be members of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC)

Njee is a president’s personal friend from long ago.

Njee has been promoted to deputy chief of staff at State House. I’m not surprised many don’t know him. He avoids limelight but he is President Uhuru confident. Anytime Mkubwa needs follow up on matters in Parliament or government meetings, he would be there. A nice gentleman but very firm and strict.

wacha wakule kabila zingine tuangalie to na macho

Yes and because of this, he acted like the de facto AG. With Githu resigning, uhuru doesnt want more ndrama so he promotes him to move him away from sheria house. Hata tobiko alipromotiwa

huyu kennedy ogeto ni nani… I hope sio mole wa Baba Fidel

All this was carefully pre-planned. This term si mchezo. Now I hope President Uhuru drops this need of being loved and concentrate on delivering the manifesto.
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Catch me up on this: why do we care what Rudisha thinks?

Good riddance to bad rubbish. He acted more like Uhuru’s personal defense lawyer than in the interests of the law and constitution.