How many of you suffer from this “disease”? Mimi kama sahii ninafaa kufanya research fulani for 10 days then nirudi mtaani. Today is day 1 na I have spent half of the day here online. But what I know is that by the 10th day, the report will be very much ready. Most of the times I procrastinate but I have never failed to deliver.
I wanted to post this listing last week but nika postpone to leo. Are there any members suffering from this disease?
For the past three weeks I have been working for almost 17 hours a day to finish a project nilikua nimesetiwa two months nikaipuulizia juu I have done something similar before lakini as I began working some dynamics zikaanza kubadilika kabisa. Halafu niko na mtihani ya Dip na vile hizi vitu zinahitaji kusomewa. Nakwambia nimekua na stress mpaka nimelose weight.
Kuna books nilikuwa nisome by the beginning of the year hadi sahi sojazisoma nikamaliza…procrastination is the only thing that is hindering me from achieving great things…acha nione kama next year nitachange
I have a twelve page report due in two weeks, I had convinced myself I would do one page every day but now I have convinced myself I can do three to four pages a day. Naona nikiifanya with 24 hours to go na nikose kula hata supper na kulala