Pro-Trump Extremists Had A Plan To Kill Muslims

LIBERAL, Kan. — Kay Burtzloff, a 61-year-old small-business owner who’s lived in this area for nearly 20 years, likes to joke that she’s one of Liberal’s only liberals. The county, after all, went to Donald Trump by more than 30 points, and in the runup to the 2016 election, Burtzloff decided against putting a Hillary Clinton sticker on her car, fearing vandals. Tensions were high, she said.

It’s a conservative place for sure, but also a diverse one. For years, immigrant workers — from Vietnam, Mexico and eventually Somalia — have moved to this flat stretch of prairie and farmland on the Oklahoma border to work at the meatpacking plants. For the most part, people got along, Burtzloff said, but something changed when Trump entered the political scene.

“I will be the first to tell you I do not fear getting killed by a Muslim,” Burtzloff said. “I fear getting killed by an angry white guy. That is much more likely to happen.”
It’s here in a trailer in this town of 20,000 people that three white men — fueled by a steady diet of anti-Muslim online memes and conspiracy theories, and captivated by presidential candidate Trump, who proposed a Muslim ban and proclaimed that “Islam hates us” — appeared to discuss a plot to massacre Somali Muslim immigrants who lived and worked nearby.


Patrick Stein, 49, Curtis Allen, 50, and Gavin Wright, 52, are accused of plotting to bomb an apartment complex that housed many Somalis and its on-site mosque. The three are believed to have gathered fertilizer to make a bomb while they added to their arsenal of weapons and ammunition. But the FBI says it foiled their plans with arrests four weeks before the 2016 election. The men have been in jail ever since.

Their trial began last month. They face up to life in prison if convicted on charges involving weapons of mass destruction and civil rights violations.
Evidence presented in the trial painted a picture of an all-American brand of homegrown terrorism: angry white men radicalized by Islamophobic memes and fake online news articles whose path to violent extremism was accelerated by a divisive election cycle and a candidate who sounded like them.

For the last five weeks, the defendants have shuffled into a federal courthouse in Wichita shackled at the ankles. They’ve listened day in and day out as their own attorneys called them “knuckleheads” whose talk of mass murdering Muslims was just bluster. And they’ve heard prosecutors portray them as sinister would-be terrorists.

Closing arguments took place on Tuesday in the case. A nearly all-white jury is expected to deliver a verdict at any time.

Somali men gather outside the International African Grocery Store in Liberal, Kansas. Employment at the local National Beef plant has brought a wave of Somali immigrants to southwest Kansas.

Who cares. Muslims kill non Muslims everyday in their majority Muslim shithole countries but when roles are reversed they play victim.

waisialmu wametutesa for too long its time for the christian extremists to take over and put christian ‘sharia’ , ‘halakha’ law in our constitutions . watu wakule nguruwe daily and only one mosque per county .

Ignorant comments, people are trying to move forward from the confusion caused by the western world to divide us by all means. Yet some empty heads here are in support of the world drowning backwards again.
You two empty heads up here do realise it’s always been a propaganda , this religous tension thing or y’all waiting to be the last idiots to come to terms with the truth.

Islam is a rather militant religion. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) defended his views with the sword, and was by any standard a smart and fierce General of a very capable army himself. He was an autocrat, and at times a very ruthless one for that matter. Forget about Jesus and His turn the other cheek teachings…

This means that by tradition, Islam seeks to defend itself by assuming a militant/feudal stance. We cannot expect Islam to abandon this outlook. It is part of the culture and tradition. So, all the rest of the world can do is either fight against it, or join it. There is no other way round it. Those who think Islam is a religion of peace will soon learn the truth when they start getting slaughtered like goats: ask the Somali villagers living of Jilib and Badhaadhe and areas around Raskamboni (?sp)

The good thing is that in the modern world, it is almost impossible to impose and sustain autocracy.

Wangejaribu tu waone

Your ignorance hurts, apart from regurgitating common Islamophobe comments found on the interwebs, I can tell you know nothing about Prophet Muhammad . If you really believe Islam to be a religion of murder and plunder, don’t you think in each and every country that had Muslims, there would be slaughter? What’s happening in Somalia is mostly clanism interwoven with religion.

Precisely…just for the simple fact that these terrorists are NOT branded as such but simply waived as “angry white men” should tell it all.
If it was not the Somali but a bunch of African immigrants, the resolve of these terrorists would not diminish.
But what I have come to accept, in some cases, common sense is not common in a section of my country men and women.

Tricky question in light of 9/11, numerous murderous attacks from Bali to Belgium, Al Qaeda, ISIS, raging wars all over the Middle East, Boko Haram, etc, etc.

These deadly events invariably involve Muslims trying to prove their piety to the prophet.

@mayekeke: You have a point on the clanism thing. I don’t refute that. But do you honestly believe that Al Shabab more about clanism or more about religion and fighting for Islam?

No doubt Godane (Zubeyr) and Umar had/have a good grip of clan politics/loyalties, and have used them for strategy and negotiation; But bottom line is Al Shabaab is NOT a clan organization. The Prophet was a warrior my friend, deny that and you are the one trying to mislead people in here, not me.

People need not be naive about Islam.

Say, why did you omit Jamhuri ya Kenya, a nation that has been a receipt of Islamic terror since January 1st 1980?
Westgate kando, how many of our children did these fuckers slaughter in a couple of hours in Garissa?
It’s not just you bro, but do you ALL see how we are conditioned to disregard ourselves by the so called 'je suits Charlie"/ “angry white man”/, "disturbed/troubled {Caucasian} but these are NEVER terrorists…?

hehehe,you shit hole will you use your gods cross to execute Muslims

many prophets were warriors

True dat. Lakini in the old testament most of them just used to anoint the warriors halafu wanapiga set huko kwa background kuangalia mongoz wakichafuana. Jesus however was not a warrior as such.

Na hii ni serious discussion usiniletee matusi wewe.

Na hii tena ni gazeti gani ume quote? The other one is blaming trump for job losses at a tampa bay paper. Now this one is blaming trump for 3 grown men’s personal decision …


Kwani hizi gazeti zimekosa news aje? Even a murderers decision will be blamed on Trump? Trump will be the excuse of the decade.

“Ma’am I can’t come to work today!”

“Why not?”

“I’ve got the Trump disease!”

“What’s that?”

“Well I just feel depressed and confused and like I wanna murder some muslimists… so I don’t think I’m gonna work today!”

This is such a stupid retort that it does not deserve an answer.

My omission of Embassy, Dar, Westgate, Garissa, Eastleigh matatus and other incidents is because it is assumed that a true Kenyan already knows about them.

On the same standards, I thank you for such a well constructed stupid answer.