I once started a biz with my buddy from uni in 2011.we each contributed 50k which I paid and I was to start receiving profits after 3 months .After 3 months were up he told me all manner of excuses .We therefore agreed that he gives me back the 50k and he remains with the biz.His phone went off couldnt reach him .I had the agreement written so I went to police with it ,they said they dont deal with debts .The agreement had our names but no id number therefore invalid.So I went to a lawyer to see if legal means could be used to find him.I was told to open a file which was 5k then he needs to be served with the summons.They suggested I use a private investigator to track him .Going through dailies i saw trackways and third eye investigators.Trackways initialy asked for 20k then finally agreed on 2k .I sent them the number they sent me the name id number kra pin and workplace ,on ngong road which turned to be fake.On contacting them they asked for more money i agreed i had been conned.I had dealt with trackways over the phone.
Then i went to third eye investigators all I needed from them was the id number corresponding to phone number of the guy from there pin number and probably work place could be found .I went to their offices paid 2k for the id no to be found from safcom .He then kept on telling me stories for months on end it was now 2012.
Luckily I bribed the guy who was working in that biz to take me the guy i was looking for.i found him ,we wrote a new agreement with id no, he paid 5k per month in 2013 till he cleared the balance after i threatened to go to court.Never trust these private investigators on daily nation most are con men. punctation grammer onsungu poleni
pole hii nairobery ni jiji Yakukaa rada
Huh! getting a con to investigate con… pole lakini
cons in nairobi are everywhere.
Ya jiji ni mengi. Asante kwa headsup.
utalijua jiji
And they appear to be the most sincere people, i have been conned 12k mchana nikiona hivi. These guys capitalize on your weakness and exploit u 2 the fullest.
20k to 2k? GTFOH!
i told them cant pay 20k didnt talk to them.following dayreceived many missed calls they seemed desparate and agreed on 2k.ningejua hata hiyo singelipa
that should have been the first sign. it also perplexed me but i let it slide.
They reap handsomely from those trying to bust cheating spouses. They will keep on giving fake findings and ask for more and more money. If you start resisting, they will now use the information you gave them and start blackmailing you that they will reveal everything to your spouse. Take care what you get yourself into.
You had no agreement. Ingekuwa pesa mingi mingeinsist on fingerprint and signature + witness and id
oh! i never saw the blackmail part. that’s an interesting angle.
Friends are indeed foes. A friend conned me too and she behaves like nothing happened.
boss iyo 2k ungepea mtu wa cid angekupea results in a jiffy, hao karao ni underpaid and so they are always looking out for an extra coin
That there was the red flag!
CID. Those guys make many times more their payslip in a month. Ati Cid msoto, nigga you are a joke.
+Fired…thats a big title’private investigator’ …he/she should be registered,have an office and a company profile…you just dont sent money to strangers and cant arrange details over the fone,it doesnt make sense at all… i can only recommend one Jane Mugo
[ATTACH=full]26653[/ATTACH] of http://www.trimosecurity.com…they are expensive but they deliver
you’ve said the same thing as me, that they make their money kando ya mshahara