Private Detective Jane Mugo Now Back To Promote Poligamy....

Jane Mugo (Instagram)

I would make it compulsory for men to marry two women if I had power, private detective Jane Mugo now says.
She suggested that such a move will reduce cases of men using women to gain financial, social, and emotional stability and later dump them.
Mugo advised women and girls to desist from courting married men privately and demand an official introduction.
“I know of women who go after single women because they are dating married men and their men have four babes;
young, old, and married. Only you are not a public figure. Let us be kind,” Mugo added.

Men use women for financial stability, you learn something new everyday.

Huyu ni ule wa mashorat?

yenyewe , unmarried women will be a societal problem we will have to deal with…

huyu postwall takataka nikimpata nikumndinya hio mkia abnormally shapeless

Hii sasa mkiita wall ,nakubaliana bila pingamizi

Thomas Omondi, @purple alienda wapi

She’s keeping a high profile lately after that shameful fall while trying to kick… :D:D:D

Private detective Jane Mugo says she’s ever amazed by the strides her step-daughter Zion Njeri is making in the music industry.
Zion is one of the upcoming gospel artists in the country who, Mugo believes, will transform the industry by large.
“I have seen her grow since I took her up after the demise of her biological mother and I can say she’s doing great,” Mugo said.