My attention has been drawn to the numerous cases where persons or entities have violated my right to privacy. It all started when political parties conducted national registration sometime back. When the dust settled and against my wish i found out that i had been registered as a member of UDF My Id card number had been used and a slight alteration to my name. I wrote an email to the concerned party and registrar of political parties. Lately i have been receiving unsolicited and unwanted text messages from tuskys,nakumatt,uchumi, tuma pesa kwa hii number, some randomn american aid workers in turkana asking for my hand in marriage etc. Of concern too is that some financial institutions have started taking bio metric data and information of its clients. My worry is that how private are we and that will this information will be used for the intended purpose or will fall in wrong hands? Blessed saturday talkers
How do you even deal with such kind of violation in Kenya? I don’t think our laws have caught up yet with this kind of disrespect to privacy. Am curious. Someone let me know. Or is privacy obsolete?
oooooh you mean like yesterday when you posted some random woman’s pics while trynna uncover my identity?
I blame Safaricom and their Mpesa operating procedures. All one needs is to pay that ka Mpesa attendant rwabe and they’ll gladly photocopy the kabook for you
The latest is this 1.4 million signatures on the okoa Kenya petition hapo kuna jina za wasee who got nothing to do with it
Ofcourse that was not invasion of privacy in @imei2012 books. That was Ktalk CSI…no privacy was breeched
we are already in too deep man, too much of our info is out there already, too much
Thought the KDF have a different set of IDs
huoni huyu ameingizwa UDF kwa museveni
You know it that thread had nothing to do with privacy. First of all i did not post those pics online all i did was screenshot what was online. Second every talker knew that there was a remote chance that was you and they clearly expressed the same and treated it with the contempt it deserved finally that post was designed to come out on a light note and didnt intend to violate you or anyones privacy for that matter
The reason i wrote to the registrar
oh phew! that explains it.
nilienda equity nikapata they are taking biometric data. asked the teller about privacy issues n she was clueless akasema anafuata what management told her. worried of the same too. kwanza saa hizi Bundles Mwitu guys use hizo data za Id to register their lines. what if the line is used to commit some crime or fraud?
Unless you completely change your identity now and begin to consciously avoid giving out your infor, most of your vital info. is already in the hands of third parties that you have no control over;-
[li]There was the penpal craze, at the start of the millenium, guyz rushed and gave all their details[/li][li]the email came, our first emails contained very accurate data about ourselves[/li][li]Facebook, first users approached it as a dating site, even uploading their best photos and telling everyone what they don’t and do like, where they are going and for how long[/li][li]the Mpesa booklets (a goldmine)[/li][li]registering for Supermarket Loyalty (LOL :D) cards most guyz have atleast two[/li][li]Sending our CVs to random companies on recruitment websites with all our bio-data {Full Name, DOB, phone numbers, high school, grades etc)[/li][/ul]
In short we could have stopped when the tarimbo had only penetrated with the head, saa hii we have already been shafted full-length hakuna kutoa
We are doomed when i log in on facebook men it suggests friends that are personal like it reads my messages my phonebook etc and even suggest pages and products i might like thats too personal
Wapi link?
Facebook is yet to crack my mind
facebook and whatsapp are linked… fb suggests friends you chat with on whatsapp…plus they monitor every sites you access while logged in fb
All this apps will finish us also windows too