They are depending on the coming census to complete the data:D. So what was the rush to launch it. It was schedule for Q1 2020 after the census. Hiyo 7 billion budget ingeweza rudi Treasury hivyo tu. President Uhuru saved that exercise. He realized the friction of kibicho single handedly launching it with his bloggers and followers. The rest of the government was caught unawares. So he rallied everyone to support it. Makosa imefanyika lakini we must come together to see this through. The master saving his henchman instead of the other way round.
@spear ,toboa honour amongst that umekubali mnaiba nirushie kakiru
Hii spear ni chokora kama ile iliingia AP from NYS 2008
cc @Tarantinoh @Mundu Mulosi
Tabia za kichokora kutoboa upuzi
Why are you tagging me on this post. Tenderprenuer @spear with his long paragraphs lost the plot long time ago.
Hehehe na vile tunaitangwa peasants huku kumbe ni wezi na wanatupora tu .my goat
Corruption is only bad when it’s the other person who is involved, lakini mtu yetu akitajwa, it becomes a witch-hunt.
No honor among thieves
Yaani there is a breed of shiny-eyed orangutan?
Wanjiku wanamfanya shimo zote, hadi makwapa!!
wallahi you are slow
I am tagging you because there are a specific individuals wenye wameingia serekali na wakaja na activism… kila saa leaking info …i believe wewe uliingia serekali time ilikuwa sirikali …time ya heshima kwa serekali …time ya pecuniary embarrassing the government na barua za insubordination …time ya official secrets act …time hungeongea kwa media bila clearance from your superiors
you know, the sweet government days
siku za moi
si hizi siku officer anarap kwa stage na uniform …damn!
Ouko used to produce reports on demand for JaKuon against UK and WSR. Now that he is 'in government’s as PiposPrisdent without particular portfolio, he seems to be using Ouko to mop up those Nyanza appointees who ate without giving him his share.
gd morning
Huyo commissioner amejenga nyumba nyari estate,nbi …kubwa sana…osugo ni yule yule!
There are some simple questions someone should ask first before jumping to defend kibicho.
Why is it a sudden priority to buy Prisons officers bullet proof vests? Tenderprenuer!
Wouldn’t it be more prudent to provide with them decent housing first! Let’s bury that questions deep in the sand.
Do prisoners have guns? Common sense.
Let’s give DCI online branch that file.
prison officers transport convicts to hospitals and courts daily …THEY NEED BULLETPROOF VESTS
i like the new you hahahahaha the pie has been kukomongwad.