Wednesday, August 25, 2021 – A rogue prison warder from Meru disappeared with a G-3 rifle to hunt down his wife in Thika.
According to a police report, the prison warder identified as Edwin Omuse, who is stationed at Kangeta GK Prisons, disappeared with the loaded gun to kill his wife after she defrauded him Sh 900,000, which he had acquired from a bank,
The depressed warder went to his station and picked up the rifle that was loaded with twenty rounds of live ammunition before he set off to look for his wife.
He was last seen at Kangeta trading centre on Tuesday, August 24th while in possession of the G-3 rifle which was hidden in a sack.
He was reportedly heard saying that he was heading to Thika to kill his wife who defrauded him the Ksh.900, 000 he acquired from a bank.
Aki wanawake!! Huyu akipatikana alambishwe copper ili iwe funzo.
900K na ni Loan maybe this bitch thinks ni ile mchezo wanafanya na Fare za wanaume?
:D:D:D:D:D:D SCRIPT kama ya movie banae, mathegi wakiuwa bibi na watoi wa Rambo achukue bunde kuenda kuwasakaaaa:D:D:D:D but sijui niaje hio jina KANGETA pia hunichekesha tuu .
anyonge huyo Wamboi amehepa na pesa ya boy wetu Omuse , muteso wa kina @Abba huko thika
Sandra Njoki
Njoki is a fourth-year student at MKU pursuing a course in environmental health, at the university’s main campus in Thika town, Kiambu County.
Thursday, August 26, 2021 – Mt. Kenya University (MKU) student Sandra Njoki escaped death by a whisker after detectives rescued her from a rogue prison warder who was planning to kill her.
The prison warder identified as Edwin Omuse disappeared from his station with a loaded G3 rifle and travelled to Thika to hunt down for Njoki.
He was on a revenge mission after she reportedly stole Ksh 900,000 that he had borrowed from a bank.
Detectives from the Special Service Unit supported by their Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau counterparts swung into action and managed to trace Njoki in her house located at Kisii estate in Thika town and took her away to a secure location before Omuse arrived.
The Kangeta prison warder arrived at his girlfriend’s house at around 5 pm on Wednesday and used a spare key to gain entry into the house.
Omuse assembled his firearm and made a call to Njoki inquiring about her whereabouts.
Police immediately moved in and without firing a single shot, arrested the warder and recovered the firearm loaded with 20 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber, which had been hidden beneath a couch.