Prison Planet: Austria Imposes LOCKDOWN For The Unvaccinated Or A 1,450 Euro (Ksh 186,000) Fine If Caught!

The Austrian government has ordered a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people starting at midnight Sunday to combat rising coronavirus infections and deaths.

The move prohibits unvaccinated people 12 and older from leaving their homes except for basic activities such as working, grocery shopping, going for a walk — or getting vaccinated.


Authorities are concerned about rising infections and deaths and that soon hospital staff will no longer be able to handle the growing influx of COVID-19 patients.

“It’s our job as the government of Austria to protect the people,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told reporters in Vienna on Sunday. “Therefore we decided that starting Monday … there will be a lockdown for the unvaccinated.”

The lockdown affects about 2 million people in the Alpine country of 8.9 million, the APA news agency reported. It doesn’t apply to children under 12 because they cannot yet officially get vaccinated.

The lockdown will initially last for 10 days and police will go on patrol to check people outside to make sure they are vaccinated, Schallenberg said, adding that additional forces will be assigned to the patrols.

Unvaccinated people can be fined up to 1,450 euros ($1,660) if they violate the lockdown.

Austria has a GDP larger than Nigeria and a population smaller that Central Province.

Hata kama.

This is serious violation of freedom. This one will be met with riots

The irony is that one can still get covid even after getting the jab.

Usicheze na hao watu wa hitler.

Hawa watu wanapea Jezebel ideas

Unadani watu ni washamba kama nyinyi

These people know the serious consequences of a large-scale epidemic and have the economic means to stay indoors and the intellectual capacity to trust and abide the advice of professional doctors. Sii ati wanapanua mdomo kama muricans ama watu wa vumbistan

Covid is real, pandemic is real. Do your own research and listen to experts not Facebook

Single digit IQ encountered…

This is basically what Hitler was doing in 1930s, that culminated in ww2

Hitler did some serious thinning of the heard. Most places on earth have not had a culling in close to a hundred years. We need another one. Xi Jinping alijaribu na hii korona but failed to hit any serious numbers. But I’m sure he’s back in the lab cooking something better.

Atleast 90% of the liberal scum will be culled by vaccine ADE.

Even us humble Africans are being culled na hata hatujakosea mtu.

As usual, we have no capacity to check what is in these vaccines that we are receiving with open arms from wazungu.

We are so trusting and naive thinking that wazungu have our best interests at heart.

Unfortunately, Mama Annet paid the ultimate price.


Well go and look at a polio victim ndio uongee…vaccines helped alot seems you have never travelled to some countries especially Asian ones where yellow fever is a must…chukua jab acha conspiracy theories za ufala.

Jab ni muhimu for a real disease kama malaria, polio, SARs, yellow fever etc not this hurriedly manufactured vaccine with new technology that is introducing some funny DNAs into the system for a flu with survival rate of 99%.

Go and tell this man who has lost his wife awache conspiracies za ufala and get the life saving jab.

I’m sure he will be running to the nearest vaccination centre to save his life.

Shida si kusave his life…huko mbeleni the unvaccinated will get it rough huko ni Austria you can imagime huku how the police will swindle you and am pretty sure the vaccine mpaka utatoboka ndio upate.

if you’re vaccinated against polio, will you fear visiting patients in the polio ward. If the vaccine is good for you, why is it so important if someone else choses not to get it.

Fûck you we ain’t taking the poisonous jab!

i though all birrionaires wako fully vacced…:smiley:

Not all of them surely