Princess Meghan Markle

American actress, now a former actress. The Lady just sacrificed something she likes to do and she’s decent at to make a member of the Royal family happy. Now that’s what we call real sacrifice. Hapa Kenya unapata same hata kusacrifice ‘chama’ in shida.

Meanwhile there’s something we must all be good at sacrificing and that’s put man parts and woman parts. We must sacrifice these parts to be put to good use by the opposite sex.

And now, a random image[ATTACH=full]170650[/ATTACH]

Suits no more?

Hope she doesn’t go the Princess Diana way. Already there is discontent in the royal circles since she is mixed race.

Mworia, I’m unable to message you. Send me a message please I need to ask you something.

Ati amesacrifice? Nini? Anyway.

Ladies mature faster than men so mwanamke rika lako sare, na nafikiri she is older than Harry, I think. Siku hizi maboychild wametupa mbao na randa kapsaaaa… pia mmama ni divorcee tayari.


Did she have an option when she had an offer of being married in the royal family?

Jiulize tu, ingekua wewe ungefanya nini?

Imagine lifetime royalty, first class or private jets travel, travel where you want without wondering about the cost. Shieeet that’s the life.

Am sure when she is alone downloading in the toilet, she must be telling herself…
You are almost there, almost there… almost.

Uliza tu hapa kwa crowd. There are no secrets on social networks.

But how do you know what I’m about to ask? It’s a sensitive matter that’s best dealt with via inbox.

Nitafute FB uulize huko basi.