Primary School Tablet Specs.

In case you never had a chance to see one. It’s not nearly as bad as everyone thought. In fact it’s pretty good considering it’s used by children.

Runs on Windows 10 Pro (in serious need of updates).

Has a 3.5mm headphone jack, mini USB (that supprisingly charges the tablet when connected to a proper PC), memory card slot and a power port.

More specs.

The release version of Windows that MS no longer supports. Needs to be updated.

The student apps are built on HTML5 - with animations and audio. The eReader is from

The CPU has four virtual cores.

Battery life is 12+ hours on light usage.

Pretty good actually. Now go build an app.


Are the lessons or apps open source?

None, I could find. They are hidden deep inside Windows folder in hidden directories that only admin has access to. If someone goes through the trouble to hide a bunch of HTML files am sure you will catch fire if you are found copying them.

Why all the BS? Is it because some publishers want a stake in this or what?

Most likely. The apps aren’t particulary complicated; any HTML guy can build them.

I’m afraid our kids could be limited to mediocre lessons at the expense of enriching a few publishing houses. How Malkiat Singh used to write books for all subjects and classes is beyond me. Seems like the more things change the more they remain the same.


ukijaribu kulog in to xxxvideos itacrash


Lucky generation. By the time these kids are 10 years old, they will know more about computers than most adults


My child will experience this, interesting

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Jirani doesn’t like this


Thanks @TerribleWaste!!

Those are not bad specs and performance given that it was the very first tablet GoK ever distributed. Updating that OS will be a big logistical hurdle. They should have gone for a light Linux release that can be mass-updated at the school from a USB stick or drive.


Classroom monitoring, management, etc is provided by

Hatutosheki, it’s true.

Throughout the Jubilee laptop project, the wind has been blowing very hard against the idea. Some said they were wasted money, others that it was open thievery. Now that @TerribleWaste has dissected one of the gadgets for us, you still have to go back to Malkiat Singh and his books! Hata sielewi how ‘our kids could be limited to mediocre lessons … enriching a few publishing houses’ ties in with the tablets.

What would you have liked to see?

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We are having a very healthy debate here and you poke your nose and assume it’s political or something since you picked one statement. Meffi. If the software is made to be hard and closed from updates of learning materials and variety, to me it’s a load of crap. Lazima tukae macho gui!


can check on some lessons with KIE, such are rarely open sourced unless thay had someone on the inside who pushes for the open sourcing of some softwares

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Umesahau kusema bei.

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Haziuzwi. Ni government property. Huoni hata imeandikwa hivyo kwa tablet?

umesiia zio kwa soko zinauzwa…kenyatalkers some questions keep to yourself

Government walipata bure?

si wanapea watoto wa shule za gava bure ,fala hii:D:D:D